Can Someone Please Help Identify These Two South American Cichlids?


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
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Houston, Texas
I adopted these 3 fish from a someone who could no longer keep them. And I have no idea what they could be. I've had them for months and the only sure thing I know is that they are South American. Two of the fish are they same species (whatever that maybe be) and they are small, about 2 inches long right now. The other larger one is rather aggressive and is about 4.5 to 5 inches long. Please someone help me out.

forgive the image quality.

[ 2 Smaller Fish ] -

[ 1 Larger Fish ] -

they look like a Temporale cichlid (cichlasoma temporale) or the hypselecara temporale to me m8.

But i aint very good with cichlids to be honest
cant really tell from the photos could be herotilpia multispinosa [the rainbow cichlid ]
or then again it could be negrofiscatiatum {the convict cichlid}

as for the second photo i couldn't tell you have a look Thur this you might find it
hey thanks for the link.
i went through them and found the fish.

the smaller one is Schmitter-Soto (
the big one is the Herichthys cyanoguttatus (
hey thanks for the link.
i went through them and found the fish.

the smaller one is Schmitter-Soto (
the big one is the Herichthys cyanoguttatus (

any thing to help
Second fish is certainly looks like a texas cichlid (although it could be carpintis - I'm not good at telling the difference - plus its in breeding dress)
Its from central america just so you know.

Not too sure about the first one, got any more pictures?
The first looks very like a Jack Dempsey, and the last is a Texas.

I thought that too, the body shape definately says JD, but the colouring threw me right off.

I think its just their "scared" colour, they pale out leaving a distinct pattern. Mine used to do it when I was fiddaling in their cave. In fact im sure that you have JDs.
#1 Cichlasoma octofasciatum AKA Jack Dempsey
#2 Herichthys cyanoguttatus AKA Texas Cichlid

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