Can Someone Pease Help Me


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
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Can any of the following be housed with
Kribs, keyhole, angel, festivum, odessa barbs and molly


isnt this like your 3rd or 4th post regarding all of these fish. why dont you use google or buy a book. or if you want to keep some in a tank, tell us the size of the tank inc the dimensions etc and we can recommend some fish. if you are new to fish keeping which i imagine you are start with community fish like platies and mollies and small tetras, NOT things like keyholes.
isnt this like your 3rd or 4th post regarding all of these fish. why dont you use google or buy a book. or if you want to keep some in a tank, tell us the size of the tank inc the dimensions etc and we can recommend some fish. if you are new to fish keeping which i imagine you are start with community fish like platies and mollies and small tetras, NOT things like keyholes.

things like Keyholes?

I'd much rather have something like Keyholes in a community tank than something like fin nippy Buenos Airies Tetras, or territorial Sailfin Mollys.
id rather go the other way, i have got lots of sailfin mollies and never had a problem with them. keyholes have been so poorly bred in recent years, due to demand, they are far from what they used to be, and are far from hardy anymore.
if you also look carefully i did say small tetras, and a buenos aires is not a small tetra growing to 7.5cms. small tetra's are things like neons, black neons etc.
id rather go the other way, i have got lots of sailfin mollies and never had a problem with them. keyholes have been so poorly bred in recent years, due to demand, they are far from what they used to be, and are far from hardy anymore.

depends where u are from i guess, here you will find 100 blue Rams before you find 1 Keyhole
down here both fish are not common as such but you can still find them if you visit a couple of shops.
i know they can be placed in community tanks as they are probably the most peaceful cichlid, can even be shy. i have had them in a south america style tank and they were fine but i am saying that, due to poor breeding the fish isnt hardy anymore and judging by that response you have alot to learn about fish keeping. its not just whether it can go in the tank but whether you personally can keep it.

oh and your reported for that comment.
you are reported too, for your aggressive and big headed answers to peoples normal questions
you obviously have a lot to learn about manners
ahaha. how is that big headed. if you dont want to listen to the answers to YOUR questions, then why be on this forum as people give up their time to help and all they get is swearwords. please, grow up.
Grow up???
What are you talking about?
Ive read your so called "answers" on other peoples posts aswell as your little arguement with another user on this post too.
I can always learn about fishkeeping however you will always be an arrogant big head who uses this forum to instigate arguements with new users like me.
you should not be on here to be honest as your answers are not only incorrect, but also abrubt, harsh and arrogant

As for "grow up" im probably older than you, but then again you are from down south

Good Bye, ill obtain my answers from more helpful nice people like the majority of users on here
Fool !!
did you enjoy rumaging through the dictionary for that post?

1) how are my answers incorrect?
2) davo86 was sharing his/her knowledge and i was sharing mine, this is a good way for people to learn and find out new things. Rather than read a book, why not speak to someone who has first hand knowledge.
You really are a thick little boy arnt you...
read your earlier post "buy a book" you told me, now dont buy a book -
I honestly dont think ive ever emailed/spoken to a more gormlous jumped up little kid.
Dav was being helpful- you were being a gob-####e.

You really are boring me now,
Bye bye gimp

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