Fish Crazy
Can someone just clarify for me how many gallons my tank is? It's only small: 24 inches long, 12 inches deep and 15 inches high. I know that's a really small tank but it's all I have room for and with me having M.E. and consiquently joint probs it's all I can handle right now. So how many gallons is that? It took 68 litres to fill it up first time, that was with the gravel and plants already in there. But I'm dyslexic and all that is to me is a number... I have no idea how to convert it. Google says my tank is 17 gallons. The charts I get with my water treaters say it's 13 gallons (15 without gravel etc). And looking up on the internet some people recon it a 20 gallon tank? I can't imagine it's that many, although it would be lovely if it was.
How many is it really? I'm confused : /
I'm just having a new lookie-see at the smaller Fish I could evetually have as part of my little underwater-world. Obviously I can't have any new Fish for a little while (still re-cycleing the tank) but I thought I could still get a rough idea. Originally I wasn't even going to have Guppies. Having read that their nick-name was millions Fish I was kinda put off them! But once I started to read up on them more (learning how you can control baby numbers) I desided I would still like to have some. So then I was going to have my Guppies and Platies (one more to make three) and then I wanted either Rosy or Golden Barbs. But since then I've learned they can fin nip and I don't think my Guppies would apreciate that, so I've desided against them. I also liked the look of the Black-skirt tetras. And I really wanted a Plec 'cause I think they look properly prehistoric!... but seeing the size they get to I'm pretty sure that's a no-no : (
I was told I should consider some of the smaller Tetra species too, but there're so many! I do like them though, especially in larger shoals.
What might be the best Fish to be thinking about to go with my Guppies and Platies?
How many is it really? I'm confused : /
I'm just having a new lookie-see at the smaller Fish I could evetually have as part of my little underwater-world. Obviously I can't have any new Fish for a little while (still re-cycleing the tank) but I thought I could still get a rough idea. Originally I wasn't even going to have Guppies. Having read that their nick-name was millions Fish I was kinda put off them! But once I started to read up on them more (learning how you can control baby numbers) I desided I would still like to have some. So then I was going to have my Guppies and Platies (one more to make three) and then I wanted either Rosy or Golden Barbs. But since then I've learned they can fin nip and I don't think my Guppies would apreciate that, so I've desided against them. I also liked the look of the Black-skirt tetras. And I really wanted a Plec 'cause I think they look properly prehistoric!... but seeing the size they get to I'm pretty sure that's a no-no : (
I was told I should consider some of the smaller Tetra species too, but there're so many! I do like them though, especially in larger shoals.
What might be the best Fish to be thinking about to go with my Guppies and Platies?