Can Someone Identify This (Possibly) Cory For Me?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2011
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North Israel...looking into Hezbolala Land
Hi all,

Need a wee bit of help. Seen 3 of these in the LFS today and against all the rules and my better judgement, instantly fell in love with them and bought them on a whim.

They're now in my tank and having the time of their life. Patrolling non stop, front to back, left to right, top to bottom and they have not stopped in 3 hours :lol:

Anyway, if someone can identify these for me I'd appreciate it as I have no idea what type (if they are in fact) Cory's they are.








Sorry about pic quality.
They are not Cories - they are some kind of Synodontis - either Nigriventus or Eupterous (spelling) Nigriventus are quite small but the Eupterous are quite large growing - can you get some clearer pics please.

thanks Wills
i think its safe to say thats a proper upside-down catfish :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Picture quality not to great so I can't give a definite answer, but I do believe they are upside down catfish, They have seem to become really popular recently. I say their nice looking and amusing :hyper: :good:
i think its safe to say thats a proper upside-down catfish :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Indeed, they are not Corys, and i would guess a type of Synodontis also, but hard to tell exactly what from the pics. If you could get a clearer one its easier to google them, but in the meantime, you could take a look at it, Google image search "Synodontis" and see if you can find one that matches

well not a cory as suggested above but it is always upside down so im gonna suggest a juvy upside down cat (dont know they latin name for it)
from what i can see it looks like Synodontis nigriventris, euptera are a more uniform brown with black spots, nigriventris is more dark brow light brown mixed and has black dots. Nigriventris are better to have in a community tank due to their small size(4") and peacefulness and they get along good in groups.
Hard to tell without clearer pics, but there are good odds it is either a Synodontis nigriverntris (Upside Down Catfish) or Synodontis contracta (Bug Eyed Squeaker/ Big-nosed Upside Down Catfish).

Like Corydoras, they are very social and are often reclusive in low numbers, I suspect your three will hide away after a day or two of settling in. Adding another five or so ought to be your top priority, I have nine and they are still very shy dawn to dusk, will be setting up my new PIR Smart Cam (awsome night vision mode) to see what they are upto overnight in the next day or two.
from what i can see it looks like Synodontis nigriventris, euptera are a more uniform brown with black spots, nigriventris is more dark brow light brown mixed and has black dots. Nigriventris are better to have in a community tank due to their small size(4") and peacefulness and they get along good in groups.

You're spot on in your assessment James.

Had a better look this morning and I'm 99.99% sure they're nigriventris, especially after looking at this link

Would have loved to have posted better pics but they don't stay still for more than a second or two and are still quite skittish as they're new to the tank and constantly exploring, but as I said, instantly fell in love with them so bought them. What I do know is that they're wild caught and not bred. LFS had 10 originally and sold 7 to two buyers with me picking up the remaining three. Safe to say if I'd seen all 10 I'd have bought them :lol:

Thanks to all who replied, really appreciate your input and help :good:
Those are not cories, they are upside down catfish! I use to have one! There awesome! Make aure you do some research on what they need to have in the tank

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