Basicley got a sump and a refugium! ill post pics to help...
A Few pics sorry...
So run it thur quick! water comes from tank/goes thur the sump/pump pumps up thur uv / splite T goes in to refugium and back to tank!
I wana redue this and make it more efficient!!! as i think the way i got this setup with the skimmer cleaning all the water befor the refugium! so the cheato has nothink to feed on ???
If someone could do me a photoshop/paint of how they think they would have it or make it better! ill be very greatfull! i can also move the glass in the sump if needed!
Also just orderd a 1" cutter to cut holes in the glass and get proper bluck heads put in! (as the water enters the tank) SORRY FOR MY SPELLINGS!

A Few pics sorry...
So run it thur quick! water comes from tank/goes thur the sump/pump pumps up thur uv / splite T goes in to refugium and back to tank!
I wana redue this and make it more efficient!!! as i think the way i got this setup with the skimmer cleaning all the water befor the refugium! so the cheato has nothink to feed on ???
If someone could do me a photoshop/paint of how they think they would have it or make it better! ill be very greatfull! i can also move the glass in the sump if needed!
Also just orderd a 1" cutter to cut holes in the glass and get proper bluck heads put in! (as the water enters the tank) SORRY FOR MY SPELLINGS!