Can someone help identify illness/injury on my endler and recommend what to do?

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Nov 23, 2021
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Yo my dudes,

One of my lil endlers has an issue and am not sure what to do. As per the images below, looks like it’s guts are hanging out of its stomach. Doesn’t look to be a parasite or something(?). Just noticed it today and it’s a hefty thing coming out of it. All my other endlers are perfectly happy, but this lil guy is just swimming in place or resting on a leaf.

Is there a recommended treatment? Should I euthanise it (I already have a humane way of doing this if it has to be the last resort)? Please do not recommend an isolation tank, I love my fish but I’m not rich and can’t just go out and buy a new tank haha!


Thanks babes xo
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Don’t want to seem frantic but it’s gone from perfectly fine to having this thing on it in a day and I’m worried it’s just gonna die and whatever it is might spread to the other fish. If anyone has any ideas please share! I can’t find anything online that might hint as to what it might be…
Update: the huge thing on the endler’s stomach has… disappeared?! Though, on closer inspection there does seem to be some loose skin around where the protrusion was. However he clearly still isn’t well; he’s just been resting at the top of the tank like this for a few hours. Any treatments or suggestions are urged!! Still worried he may die.

This is some scooby doo stuff right here huh.image.jpg
usually the intestine popping out its butt. no cure. sometimes it goes back in, other times it doesn't. it's becoming more common due to inbreeding.
You don’t think it was some sort of parasite at all? I’ll keep an eye on him, if he continues to look sad and unwell, I may euthanise him :(

But I’m not gonna lie, wasn’t expecting to see prolapse as a possible explanation hahaaa
Hahaaaa madness.

But yeah, my poor baby’s pooping it’s guts out and there’s nothing I can do about it, being a dad is hard.
There's not a lot you can do about a prolapse unfortunately 😕 I mean, how does that even happen? Beats me...
I mean he was perfectly happy this morning it seemed… yeah it’s sad. Well here’s hoping that his guts stay on the inside and he somehow pulls through! Thanks for the clarity guys x

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