A 36 litre tank is 9.5 gallon tank and the original poster has 9 fairly small fish in it. Depending on tank dimensions and biologically wise like fishyfriend2 said this is not overstocked(depending on filtration) but just about fully stocked. Now on another note the danios of course are not suitable for a tank this size and won't be too happy.
The question is can he/she put a betta in it. He probably can if the filtration is sufficient, if there are plants and hiding places, etc... But if it were me I would rehome the danios instead, get a betta and more of the clouds.
On another note fish in any understocked tank would be happier in general. It's like having a dog in a farm or having a dog in a small backyard. Neither will die but guess which one will be happier.
As for schooling fish needing at least 6 in a group to be happy that is sometimes not entirely true. When I got my corys there were only 4 in the shop so I had no choice. I kept reading they need to be at least 6. I got another two and guess what, no change of behaviour. In fact the corys were happy and spawning while there were only 4 of them and it made no difference. Whether you get 6 or 4 don't matter that much. If you want a school, get 12+
The question is can he/she put a betta in it. He probably can if the filtration is sufficient, if there are plants and hiding places, etc... But if it were me I would rehome the danios instead, get a betta and more of the clouds.
On another note fish in any understocked tank would be happier in general. It's like having a dog in a farm or having a dog in a small backyard. Neither will die but guess which one will be happier.
As for schooling fish needing at least 6 in a group to be happy that is sometimes not entirely true. When I got my corys there were only 4 in the shop so I had no choice. I kept reading they need to be at least 6. I got another two and guess what, no change of behaviour. In fact the corys were happy and spawning while there were only 4 of them and it made no difference. Whether you get 6 or 4 don't matter that much. If you want a school, get 12+