Can snails lay eggs on lazy fish????


Fish Addict
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
Jul 23, 2021
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So one of my Cory catfish suddenly has a white spot on him that looks suspiciously like a snail egg??? It’s not fuzzy. It’s perfectly oval. And he’s moving around with his usual gusto.

It’s not on the glass. I took a few pictures and this one was the clearest + you can see other eggs that are on the glass for reference

I knew Cory catfish were chill but like… this takes the cake if that’s actually a snail egg.

(I just got the java moss in the mail and it was completely brown. It’s starting to come back though but that’s the only new thing I added after rinsing it thoroughly)
What sort of snails do you have in the tank?

Is the other white speck stuff on the fish or the glass?
If it's on the fish, then the fish is producing more mucous than normal and has probably picked up some substrate that is stuck in the mucous.
What sort of snails do you have in the tank?

Is the other white speck stuff on the fish or the glass?
If it's on the fish, then the fish is producing more mucous than normal and has probably picked up some substrate that is stuck in the mucous.
Nerite! And nope! That’s the only white spot. The rest was on the glass.
Weird looking! How long has it been on there?
Noticed it a whole 2 minutes or so before going through the 7 stages of grief trying to do mental gymnastics as my world view was shifted before making this post. 😂😂

He wiggled under the java moss and it fell off and I was started to wonder if I finally lost it and was imagining things.

But nope. It was very real. And I must resign myself to the fact that this Cory catfish has some… peculiar preferences…. *cough*
That's a freshwater limpet, as are the ones on the glass...harmless
Honestly didn’t look like a limpet. From underneath limpets have a white surrounded by clear body and up top they have a slightly triangular shell that’s various shades of brown.

The white spot was white and smooth as a babies buns.

I definitely have limpets in there… but I don’t think that’s what was on the fish.
Hmmm...if not, then I have no idea what it is...I doubt it's an say "was", is it off of the fish now?

My limpets have white shells, but the colors can (and do) vary
Hmmm...if not, then I have no idea what it is...I doubt it's an say "was", is it off of the fish now?
Yes. It fell off after he wiggled under the java moss. It was there and then suddenly it wasn’t. And there’s no markings or ripped skin to indicate it was ever there (I’ll have to double check). But it also definitely wasn’t sand. It wasn’t budging as he swam around normally and sand particles fall off or shift around due to their movement. It was only after he disappeared into the java moss for a moment that it went poof.

Well whatever it was, it was definitely bonkers.
Your nerite snail had unauthorised intimate relations with the bronze cory. that's disturbing :(
My nerites laid eggs and my cories would try to eat them and swim away with several stuck to them. I doubt the snail actually laid the egg on the cory, more likely the cory picked it up when swimming through the moss that is covered in eggs.
Us: Steamy Cory and Snail Action Theory

As much as I love cats they can be such 🤬

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