Can she survive on ONLY peas?

Yeah, I hope so too.
I ahve someone here at work that wants her for her desk. THAT way I can visit her every single day :)
My grama owes me a 2.5G tank, so I'm going to pick up a minibow tank when she mails me the check for it. I want to make sure she's healthy and happy before I hand her over! And I wanna make sure that she can feed her pellets or something easy like that because what a pain it woudl be otherwise. uugh!
For my juvies that a pellet is still too big for their mouth, I just crush it between 2 tea spoons. It can be as fine as powder of just smaller pellet pieces.

Hope you find an answer for her
she can hold a half of a pea in her mouth - she's a bigmouth. heh heh
I think she is just a picky little hag.
I have been trying to feed her everything and still, no go.
We just carry on with the peas.
On the way home tonight, i'm going to stop and pick up some different frozen foods for her. I have GOT to get her eating something else.

Her fins are healing just fine, and she seems to be swimming around just fine, given the fact that the poor little thing is ONLY in a little 1/2G bowl with some gravel, rocks and a small plant.
I have been doing daily water changes on her so she has nice sparkly clean water.
She's just finicky, I think.
We'll see.
I'm sure the rest of my kids will think it's fabulous that I had to get frozen things for her, because whenever I have to get something for one of them, I share the wealth with the rest! :)
You could try crumbled, bolied egg yolk. I find that the picky eaters like it since it sinks slowly. However, it makes the tank disgusting very quickly when it's not eaten. I used it with one boy who had hole in the head (his whole front mouth part was eaten away) and that was the only thing he could eat, since he ate with the hole (that was bigger than his mouth >_<).

Also, my females love it as a treat, since there are a few "scavengers" who like to stay on the bottom.

One last thing, it makes their poo yellow LOL

Hope this might help for a short term plan ^_^

I will keep that in mind!
Although she just started eating frozen blood worms. :sick:
I guess we're making progress!
How's she doing? You having to mash them up for her, or can she eat them whole? Keep me posted on that little girl!
Well, after the first choking incident, it seems like she has "learned" how to eat them. I saw her eating whole ones when I went back, so I decided to try a few more. Now she's eating them like a hog!

I think we'll be going with the peas and worms for a while, then we'll try something else too - maybe even a different brand of pellets.
I'm so glad that she's at least eating something now other than peas!
I'm so glad she's doing all right. Cambodians are my favorite for girl colors, and I think she's just about as cute as they get.
She is a doll. :wub:
She's gotten to know me, and when I come by she swims over and stares out at me. I'm pretty sure she's telling me to get her a bigger, warmer tank already, dammit! lol

Her fins are growing back really nicely with daily water changes and now that she's eating, I've already noticed a change in her size.

Well, her belly anyway. :)
I'll post pics of her again someday soon!
Dorkhedeos said:
you can try mashing up the pellets and coating and stuffing the pea with the powder. maybe once she tastes the pellets, she will know it is food
That is a really great idea!
I might give that a try tonight.
It's funny... the rest of the humans that live in my house laugh at me when they hear me do the UUUUGH from the kitchen each evening when I'm trying something new for Liza. I've made it a habit now to try any new foods right before her water changes cuz I'm always pretty sure that whatever I try just sinks to the bottom and sits there.

And yeah, you're probably right about what she's saying.
I have convinced myself that my bettas ALL love to see their mom's adorable face coming to visit, and that's why they flare on the way over to the side of the tank where I'm staring in, but in the back of my mind I know they're really excited to be getting food. lol

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