Cheese Specialist
I have 2 weather loaches in my 160l tank.Jae1525 said:My sister has weather loaches! they are amizing and you can tame them to pop their head out of the water at feeding time and eat right from your hand!
Such funny characters!!!
Can u keep them tropical? I would love some!!!
One of them was in the tank when it was coldwater. I don't keep the temp up very high to make sure that them and the peppered cories are ok. It's at 75F (I just checked).
I am glad I a not the only one wise in the ways of the weatherloach. My biggest and oldest one, Kentaro, is my favourite out of all my fish.
Yeaulman - I am sorry that your plec does not seem better. I really do ot think they should be kept in water below 25C. What kind of goldfish do you have? If it's fancies, you could add a heater to bring the tempature up a bit.