i want the dogs to sleep in my room! my parents keep saying "NO you'll get sick!" and blah blah...i don't ever recall getting sick because of our dog or my guinea pigs. i don't remember anything about the sickness that got sadie kicked out of my room. but i know it wasn't allergies, and i know it hasn't been bothering me lately, since i have re-invited sadie to sleep in my parents hate the idea, but i have been letting her sleep with me for a few weeks now. i DID get sick a couple weeks ago, but i am fine and dandy was tonsillitis, which i looked up some stuff on it and did not see anything that connects pets to it.
so, besides the obvious allergies, which i DON'T have, or else 2 dogs and a gpiggy would be killing me....or at least affecting me, can being with hairy animals on a constant basis (sleeping with them everynight and living with them) make me sick in anyway?
i'd prefer something more than opinions....maybe doctors websites, or a detailed explenation...i'll be lucky if i can pound a detailed explenation into my dads head without him inturupting by saying "ME NO CARE, THEY STUPID...ME SMART...UGH UGH"....
ANYWAYS....any details on things? maybe something short-sweet and straight to the point? an opinion that can be backed up?
(a way to get both dogs in my room
so, besides the obvious allergies, which i DON'T have, or else 2 dogs and a gpiggy would be killing me....or at least affecting me, can being with hairy animals on a constant basis (sleeping with them everynight and living with them) make me sick in anyway?
i'd prefer something more than opinions....maybe doctors websites, or a detailed explenation...i'll be lucky if i can pound a detailed explenation into my dads head without him inturupting by saying "ME NO CARE, THEY STUPID...ME SMART...UGH UGH"....
ANYWAYS....any details on things? maybe something short-sweet and straight to the point? an opinion that can be backed up?
(a way to get both dogs in my room