Can It Go


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Aug 10, 2011
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Can a school of pictus cats fit in a 4x15x12?
I don't see why not, but no more than 4-5 fish. Make sure they have lost of open spaceto swim, with some hiding space too. And obviously no small tank mates like tetras that may become snacks!
FYI, according to the datasheet for this fish over on PC:
PlanetCatfish said:
Two colour forms appear for sale. The first, Peruvian, variety has large ''dalmatian'' style spots all over its body with smaller spots around the head. The other, Colombian, variety (which reportedly grows larger) has many more spots that are smaller, less clearly defined and almost pin-prick size on the fish's head. This differentiation should only be used when comparing fish of a similar size as both patterns change with age.
Thanks but im going to go with a 4x2x2 could I have a school of 8 in there with a few cichlids?
I keep four in my 4 x 18 x 24 and they are fine. They are around 4-5 inches each and are still growing. They do squabble occasionally though and you can hear their fins rubbing from the other side of the room!
How big do they grow and whats their diet and temperament like?
None as I dont have it yet.
Whats the point of googling when I have you lovely members to tell me
I did google and it said they can be kept it 10 gallon tanks, so thats why I ask you.
pictus cats at max (the ones that are common around here, anyway) get about 6 inches long

but if you feed it the same thing those 5 inch german blue rams eat, they'll probably get around 11 or 12 inches.

If you don't wanna type "pictus catfish" in google, you can also look it up on one of the many threads on the Fish Species Index.

Also, not to be rude, (though it's still gonna sound rude) but your beginners resource center link is horribly intrusive.

A big, red, bold, underlined, messy link is not what I want to see every time I read one of your posts.
Between 6 and 7 inches is normal, although the rate mine are growing, they will beat that. They do get a lot of cichlid gold though ...

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