Can It Be Done?


Fish Addict
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hey, I was wondering if you can build your own external filter for a tank? If you can could somebody please explain to me how to?? I don't want to have to spend 300$ if I can build a filter just as good for like $110! :lol: I'm not cheap don't even think it, but I still want to see if I can, if anyones knows of a site could you please gimme the link? Thank much :D
IMO it would be a lot more trouble than it's worth, if it's even possible (which it probably is).

A lot easier to simply go out and buy one.
Many people have tried and failed. Smaller canister filters for small tanks is not a problem. With large canister filters, you have to worry about the back pressure in the canister. Most containers will open up and cause a leak if it fills with water.
Me personally, i think it'd be quite easy. I do have pretty extensive knowledge about automotive seals and things of that nature.
The only trick would be getting a removable lid to fit cleanly, tightly, and completely. This could probably easily be done with a large O-Ring at the screw off (latched?) hatch and a large flat mating surface.

More i think about it, the easier it i think it'd be. If you had access to PVC pipe and some pvc glue you'd be ready to rock.
If you were REALLY adventurous you'd make your own pump ;D

PS. I bet you you could build one for under 50 bucks no problem. Maybe even including the powerhead/pump for it.
PPS. You could add air injection to increase the oxidizing capacity of your bacteria too....

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