Can I Use Any Glue In Tank?


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2008
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Hi there,

have some driftwood that I want on a certain angle it won't sit by itself is there a way i can glue it to a stand and hide it under the gravel? and are there glues that will hold plants until they take to driftwood etc

Regards Darren
Hi there,

have some driftwood that I want on a certain angle it won't sit by itself is there a way i can glue it to a stand and hide it under the gravel? and are there glues that will hold plants until they take to driftwood etc

Regards Darren

Your best bet for glue is to use Aquarium Silicon which you can get from most LFS. There may be an easier way though... In one of my tanks the wood is held at a jaunty angle by leaning it against a rock (behind it so you can't really see it) and slightly burying it in the gravel. Not sure if this is an option.

I've never heard of people gluing plants to driftwood. I just use some brown cotton, you can't really see where it is.
Just to say i agree with the above, make sure it is aquarium silicone though, while a lot of products are branded as 'aquarium safe' and therefore cost twice the price they would otherwise when the alternative would also work fine, silicone is something where you have to spend the extra and use the aquarium brand ones.

You can also pick up an epoxy type thing from a marine retailer which can be used too.

and yup, just tie the plants on with cotton, not sure if gluing plants roots would do them a lot of good!
Thank you both, hopefully one of those will help, I just want it to look natural and hope this will do it....

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