
Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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Round Lake Beach, Illinois
I'm wondering if I could use the Fluval 404 in my 55 gallon aquarium. It pumps 340 gph.. and it's for aquariums up to 100 gallons. I never got that part of filter descriptions. Is it for aquariums 100 gallons and under or do I need an aquarium with at least 100 gallons to use it. I don't want it sucking up all my plants and little tetras. :p Or is the Fluval 304 good enough for my aquarium? :blink:
If you can afford it go for the bigger one, you can adjust the flow. If you get the bigger one it'll be good for WHEN :p you get a tank upgrade.
I’ve got a 304 on a 20 gallon tank and it's awesome, brilliant clear water.

Correct me if I’m wrong,

I just ordered one too a few days ago and will be getting it on monday. It's designed for up to 125 gallons so I think you would be alright. If you have the GPH higher then recommened my guess is it just won't work as fast or as well. You could just slow the filter down periodically to around 1-200 GPH to make sure it's doing what it should do.

My eheim 2026 is slowed down to around 150 GPH for my 55 gallon because I don't want my plants flying around the tank hehe.
Yes flying plants is one thing I'm concerned about with this filter :D Is there a way to know what the flow rate is so I can adjust or do you just guess?

EDIT: Wait a tick! If i'm going to keep the flow rate at 1-200gph then what's the use of having a filter that pumps 340gph? Would it be better (maybe more convenient) if i just buy a fluval 304? :blink: Which pumps 240 gph?
tomsteer said:
If you can afford it go for the bigger one, you can adjust the flow. If you get the bigger one it'll be good for WHEN :p you get a tank upgrade.
I’ve got a 304 on a 20 gallon tank and it's awesome, brilliant clear water.

Correct me if I’m wrong,

Like the man said!
If you can spend the extra money get the bigger one. I have no experience with Fluval but I always thinks its best to go a little more powerful that what you need, just in case you know.
I have a 404 but I chose an XP2 to drive the TT. That way you can leave the Fluval alone for your biological filtration and use you UV filter for mechanical and not disturb your biological filter when you do maintenance on your UV (wiping off slime). Or you could run the TT off of a powerhead (a Maxijet 600 works well)
I am running 2 Fluval 304s on my 75 gallon, one on each end. They work great and are dead silent. If it weren't for seeing the plant moving, you'd never know there was a filter in the tank. I don't see any problem with running the Turbo Twist 3X with that filter. It may take slightly longer to clear up any green water simply because the water is going past the light a little faster than recommended but that's the only problem I can see. I can also vouch for the TT 3X. Here is a thread I did a couple days ago with daily pictures of my 29 gallon and how the water cleared up. I have pics for the 4th and 5th days now but haven't posted them. The tank is now 100% clear.

Edit: I am actually running the TT3X off a power head rather than through the fluval filter. That way it is available to use on other tanks if needed. I have already used it on my 75 gallon. That was a month or 2 ago and the water is still crystal clear.

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