Can I Use A Swimming Pool Filter?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Arkansas, USA
I have one of those intec soft side swimming pools but the critters got to it over the winter and chewed holes in it. Can I use the old filter for a fish tank? Or would it just be too hard to clean all the old clorine out of it?
Chlorine probably wouldnt be a problem, you can use chems to netralise it or let it disperse into the air, but I would suggest that the turn over would be too fast...
How big is the tank and what is the rate of the filter. It might make a nice river flow system if it is fast but not too fast. What kind of media is in the filter? I think a lot of pool filters are full of sand which is not a bad thing but requires a lot of back washing to keep it clean.

It uses paper filters and in the pool they had to be replaced at least every other week (every week if the chems weren't just right.) Remembering that it probably wouldn't work as I would have to replace the filter too much. I might just have to build a coy pund and use it for a water fall.

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