Can I Risk It?

you basically just "cloned" your mature filter. There was enough bacteria to handle to bioload of the single betta. Test once a day for a week and if stats still good, you can just do once a week testing and say, 30% waterchanges accordingly.
Loraxchick, this was almost a month ago. I had one small nitrite reading (0.5) in between, but for about two weeks ammonia and nitrite have stayed on 0. Really happy that it worked out. I am still changing the water twice a week and testing every other day just to make sure all stays fine, but so far so good.
Can you please upload your betta and your fish tank i would love to see it!!!!
Betta is in my avatar :)

Need to charge the camera batteries, will try and take pictures later tonight.
He is. Pink, purple and turquoise - so manly ;) Forgot to take pics of tank, will do that later tonight when the light is better.

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