Can I Put My Adfs And Betta In My 55 Gallon Loach Tank?


New Member
May 18, 2012
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I have a 10 gallon with 5 African dwarf frogs and a betta fish. I'd like to empty the tank and keep it as a quarintine/back up tank. If possible I want to put the 5 dwarf frogs and betta in my 55 gallon. The tank inhabitants are
10 angelicus botia/polka dot loach/botia kubotai
2 bristle nose Plecos
1 rubber lip pleco
2 glass catfish
2 black khuli loaches

I am aware that I may need to use a turkey baster or small dish to make sure the dwarf frogs are being fed properly. My concern is will it will to tall for them to go to the surface for air? This is a 55 long by the way...

Will my half moon betta and ADFs do okay in this setup?

Thanks for helping =)
For ADF you generally want to keep the height under 12" to prevent drowning.
Yeah that's what I read but I also read that people can keep them in a 75 gallon tank with no problem. What do you think about the betta?
Yeah that's what I read but I also read that people can keep them in a 75 gallon tank with no problem. What do you think about the betta?
I think the betta would be fine, you do have alot of bottom dwellers though. So they might mess around with the frogs, otherwise i think itd be fine. Just make sure your frogs will get food with all those bottom fish.
Okay thanks. I'm going to go ahead and try it. If it doesn't work I'll just put the frogs back in the 10 gallon. My loaches aren't really the fastest eaters either. I'm thinking it'll work fine. All my loaches/bottom feeders are usually all bundled up in the same little spot
The frogs appear to be doing great but the betta seems to be fighting the current since its much stronger than his last tank. I have a 100 gallon fluval canister and a 50 gallon aquaeon HOB filter. The betta seems to be having trouble near the out take of the stronger canister filter. Should I worry about my filter being too strong or is this something that the betta will get used to?
Betas do not like a strong current at all, it tires them out with all the extra finnage they have to swim with. They also aren't very strong swimmers.

They are used to slow or very little current, you may find your betta is getting stressed with the strong flow :/

Can you possibly provide a heavily planted area away from the strong current?

I would personally give him his old tank back which suits his needs, and purchase a cheap second hand one as a hospital tank.
I raised the water so the HOB isn't as strong and a put the canister filter out take pushed against the corner or the tank. The current isn't that strong anymore and my betta is getting around great. His fins aren't being pushed anymore. He's been swimming all over the place and has multiple thick areas of live plants to hang out in. Frogs had no trouble eating or surfacing for air =)
figured I would write an update (especially for anyone wanting to put their African dwarf frogs or betta in a tank larger than a 10 gallon)

a month and a half has went by and my 5 African dwarf frogs are still doing great. Strangely the frogs and loaches like to swim together. All my loaches and frogs seem to huddle all together in the same corner. The betta seems to hangout in the heavily planted areas (the whole thing is pretty heavily planted). I'm pretty happy I combined my 10 gallon with my 55 community loach tank. 

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