Kyle E.
Fish Crazy
Hello All!
I have a 28 gallon tank with a Dwarf Gourami, 5 Cherry Barbs, 4 Guppies, 2 Amano Shrimp, 1 Nerite Snail, and a male Betta.
There aren't a ton of hiding spots right now but hopefully there will be when my Amazon Sword, Frogbit, and Dwarf Hairgrass grow more.
My questions are:
1. According to Aqadvisor I can put a school of 10 of these guys into my tank without overloading my system with bio load. Is this true?
2. Is there going to be a problem with the betta/gourami with these tiny fish? (Both fish are very non-aggressive. Just the fact that they are living in the same tank with each other and never have any problems says a lot about that.)
3. Even of the betta/gourami don't go after them will they constantly hide because they are afraid of those bigger fish?
4. Do the guppies and cherry barbs function as dither fish to make them more confident?
5. Since they are smaller I would crush my flake food up more for them, but would they have a problem competing for food?
6. I want to get some freeze dried brine shrimp soon. Would they eat it? If not what other foods would you recommend so I can get some good coloration out of them?
Thank You!
I have a 28 gallon tank with a Dwarf Gourami, 5 Cherry Barbs, 4 Guppies, 2 Amano Shrimp, 1 Nerite Snail, and a male Betta.
There aren't a ton of hiding spots right now but hopefully there will be when my Amazon Sword, Frogbit, and Dwarf Hairgrass grow more.
My questions are:
1. According to Aqadvisor I can put a school of 10 of these guys into my tank without overloading my system with bio load. Is this true?
2. Is there going to be a problem with the betta/gourami with these tiny fish? (Both fish are very non-aggressive. Just the fact that they are living in the same tank with each other and never have any problems says a lot about that.)
3. Even of the betta/gourami don't go after them will they constantly hide because they are afraid of those bigger fish?
4. Do the guppies and cherry barbs function as dither fish to make them more confident?
5. Since they are smaller I would crush my flake food up more for them, but would they have a problem competing for food?
6. I want to get some freeze dried brine shrimp soon. Would they eat it? If not what other foods would you recommend so I can get some good coloration out of them?
Thank You!