Can I Put Any Snails In My Crabitat?

Are we talking about hermit crabs or fiddler crabs? If you have brackish water I guess nerite snails could survive and reproduce in there. You still may be risking it though. I've had quite a bit of experience taking care of hermit crabs so the name "crabitat" caught my attention.
Judging by your other post, you mean a brackish fiddler tank. If that's the case, I think that both Nerites and MTS should be fine.

As to small fish, the only little fish you could fit into that small of a bit of water that's brackish is *maybe* a bumblebee goby. Provided it's filtered and the tank itself is kind of large.
Can I put any snails in my crabitat? The water level is about4 inches at its deepest and the water is brackish. 0.010

I've had fiddlers for over a year now and we were given a few snails from the pet shop for free. They multiplied like mad and we have several now. They also help to keep the sand clean and the algae down. I'm not sure what kind but they are elongated and grow to about an inch long.

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