Can I Put 2 Of My Cichlid In The Community Tank?


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
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I have 2 african cichlid, people say they dont' get along with oscars so should I move them to my community tank? I have 3 Discus, 2 Angel fish, 2 Giant Danio, 1 Black Ghost Fish, 1 Gournmi, 2 corys. Will my 2 cichlid bite my other fish? Im planning on getting 3 more cichlid, or should I only buy 2 more? Is having 4 better than 5 or the other way around? Will this work out? If not than I might jus get 3 more cichlid and put them with my oscars.
its probably not a good idea to mix these fish-as a lot of africans are aggressive and they prefere harder water, however ive heard some ppl say there africans being OK with community fish.

you can try it-but if there is alot of aggression then be prepared to move the fish.
I would suggest asking in the African Cichlid section of the forum. My gut feeling is no and that they will be too terratorial and aggresive to be in your community tank. As far as the oscars are concerned. I know that their tank mates have to be chosen with extreme care and that if you want them to get on with other fish it is vital they are all bought and put together as young as possible. This increases the chance of them getting on. Doesn't really answer your question but good luck.


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