Can I or can't I?!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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rosierabbit said:
so a shark would be friendly with the tetras, barbs and danios?? sorry, i may be being slow, but i'm really intrigued now!!!
IME, they should be fine. It worked for me. rtbs's are very aggro but usually only to other rtbs's.
zanyzebra said:
:hyper: I want a silver shark in my tank. I've heard they are very good with smaller fish. The tank is the right size and all of that stuff, but would it be ok with all my other fish?

I have:
5 glowlight tetras
5 green barbs
4 zebra danios
2 cory catfish

I'd appreciate any advice anyone could give me, or any stories about when they had silver sharks... :crazy:

Zanyzebra -_-

[The Internet is like a giant jellyfish. You can't step on it. You can't go around it. You've got to get through it.]
have you considered the Carcharodon carcharias. This is a shark that ignores smaller fish and should fit in your tank nicely. They are available from all good stockists and won't cost you an arm and a leg :lol:
they make great pets and are easy to look after but it is advisable to have a tight lid because they are prone to jumping out
good luck
rosierabbit said:
bet i'm annoying u all now :crazy: but how could zanyzebra lower livestock level... just wait till they die?! :(
You can either trade them in at ur lfs, or advertise them for sale in ur local paper, or give them to a friend etc :thumbs:
Yes, I have quite a small tank for sharks - 25g, but im getting the sharks as small infants. Once they get too big ill trade em in. 2 Silver Sharks, 1 Rainbow Shark and 2 Columbian Catfish Sharks. Ok I know you really should have a 180gallon to house them when they are fully grown, but for now while they are infants (about 1 inch each) I have always wanted them.
FrankSlapperinni said:
aren't all freshwater sharks that are available in a LFS a type of catfish?
No most are cyprinids (carp family).

Eelzor, do you realise that all but the RTBS you have are going to outgrow a 25g in a matter of months? Buying fish that you know you cannot house is irresponsible and condems th fish to a life of misery either in a tank that is too small for it or in the bottom row sump tanks of a fish store where they will probably stay for the rest of their lives.

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