Can I mix yo yo loach and clown with corys

I agree with Colin that only one species of loach should be in any tank, and given the size of the tank and the species mentioned here, the Clown is not going to work; Clown loaches need at least five and this requires an 8-foot long tank. Return it to the store ASAP. Without a group it is going to have serious problems.

Second point though, is that Corydoras and loaches should never be combined. The loaches are all more aggressive feeders, and cories will lose out. The two fish have very different temperaments.
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You have a nice start to your tank but you really need some plants like others have stated. I would suggest some simple to care for plants like anacharis and water sprite. You can attach some ferns to your rocks and wood like Java, African water and crested ferns.
A group of yo yo loaches would be cool.

I recommend re homing the clown loach as well. They grow very slowly but eventually will be massive. They'd require a much larger tank as previously mentioned.

What else do you plan to do with the tank?
I did put a lil peace of java moss between the rocks hoping it’ll spread a little and then yes I will go to the pet store and will start ordering more plants that you suggested and I am instrested in. I on getting a fluval canister filter instead of the fluval hang on’s I have . And I really wanna try and build more caves out of my slate rocks and other rocks I do have a big ass relation wood that has caves the loaches will go and comes as they go. And the clown pleco lives in it as well
A group of yo yo loaches would be cool.

I recommend re homing the clown loach as well. They grow very slowly but eventually will be massive. They'd require a much larger tank as previously mentioned.

What else do you plan to do with the tank?

I talked to my local pet store they said just let them know when I’m bring my clown loch in they’ll be glad to take it. So looks like I will be taking my clown loach this weekend. Too bad he had a cool personality tbh but don’t want him to ruin my **** by killing my precious corys.
I agree with Colin that only one species of loach should be in any tank, and given the size of the tank and the species mentioned here, I Clown is not going to work; Clown loaches need at least five and this requires an 8-foot long tank. Return it to the store ASAP. Without a group it is going to have serious problems.

Second point though, is that Corydoras and loaches should never be combined. The loaches are all more aggressive feeders, and cories will lose out. The two fish have very different temperaments.
I will take the clown back don’t worry he will go back. But I am leaving my yo yo loaches with my corys tbh to me they look like there doing great my corys look like there happier in a bigger tank and I’ve been seeing my self and I don’t see anyone struggling for foood . The Cory I switched wasn’t doing so good in my other tank he was never coming out . But now I put him and his friend in the same species , and they come out more they socialize and he swims with the current
I will take the clown back don’t worry he will go back. But I am leaving my yo yo loaches with my corys tbh to me they look like there doing great my corys look like there happier in a bigger tank and I’ve been seeing my self and I don’t see anyone struggling for foood . The Cory I switched wasn’t doing so good in my other tank he was never coming out . But now I put him and his friend in the same species , and they come out more they socialize and he swims with the current

Obviously cories need a group of their own, and they will be less stressed having this, so that is no surprise. But that is a different issue from cories and loaches. I have given the advice of those who know these fish much more than I do.

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