can i keep these coldwater together in a tank

Some different fish:
Golden Rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)
Golden Minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus)-Fast well oxygenated water needed.
Gudgeon (Gobio gobio)
Three-Spined Stickleback (Gasteroseus aculeatus)
Ten-Spined Sitckleback (Pungitius pungitius)
Rosyred Minnow (Pimephales promelas) (Licence)
Rainbow Dace (Cyprinella lutrensis)
Common Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus)-Fast well oxygenated water needed.
Sunfish (A Lepomis species)
Goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Comets (Carassius auratus)
Wheather Loaches (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)

Obviously all these fish require certain set-ups, if you like any of them I can give you more info. But if this is your first Coldwater Tank then I would start with the more simple Goldfish/Comets and Wheather Loaches. As I said Perch are PREDATORS, they are no less nice than the Pike they will kill anything that cannot kill them when they are in a tank enviroment, Perches are also illegal to keep and are not sold by any shop.
loates123 said:
what are commets..
coldwater fish in tanks seems so boring just with gold fish tho
oooh no i have to disagree!

Even common goldfish are beautiful to watch swimming around, playing in the bubbles ... i keep mine in a tank with black gravel and some plants and they look fantastic! Just as fascinating as my tropical tank.

there are also allsorts of fancy goldfish types, and i saw some beautiful blue orandas at my LPS the other day, as well as the black.

Nope i'm afraid glittering golden scales contrasted with black gravel can't be beat if its looks you're after. (ooh im getting all poetic!)

I totally second everything everyone has said about your original wishlist - but it's great that you've taken the advice on board and are changing your plans.

Good luck setting up your tank

L x
Comets are a type of goldfish that belong only in a pond or bigger, IMHO they are not suitable for aquarium tanks, they are not slow swimmers like fancy goldfish infact they are very fast swimmers and need alot of space.

For the size tank you have i would only recommend a couple of goldfish, a shoal of danios or minnows and a weather/hillstream loach (algae eater)

If you feel that coldwater fish are boring and you are still serious are about wanting to keep fish then i suggest you research deeply into keeping a tropical tank, and ask yourself whether you would really want to "take one on". Keeping a tropical tank, requires alot more responsiblity and care than a coldwater tank, infact keeping fish in general is a big responsiblity ensuring that they are all happy, healthy and feel "free" in an uncruel environment.
ahve to agree with loates on the goldfish in a tank being boring!!

we have 2 ponds and the way i arranged the fish last year we have all but 3 goldfish in one pond around 15-20 of them going way up to 8" some off them and we have sarasa comets in there- althought these fishes bright/deep red colour is amazing i still find gaping into that pond pretty boring, mainly as the more exciting fish in that pond never show.....2 grass carp, 2/3 tench 1 golden and about 5 rudd.

but on the other side i have a pond with 8 koi in, 7 i bought in the easter hols and 1 has been with us for a while and is coming up to 10" now. We also have this wicked just under 1ft albino grass carp. 5 orfe and 3 goldfish one with a fan tail. I am always by the side of this pond!!

I have a tank inside for giving some of the fry a chance to grow gid enought to koin the ponds so they don't get munched on, few weeks back i released 12 goldfish about 1/2"

I still have 22 rudd in my tank that i'm waiting on a bit longer to release.

I reakon if you really want those fish you should consider building a very big pond!! Currently I'm chasing after a 2k gallon pond so we can get a Albino Sturgeon.


I never knew we needed a liecense for our grass carp, we bought the albino one about 2/3 years back now and 2 normal grass carp last year from our LFS.

hmm my longest post so far i think :lol:
hi just brough a four foot tank with one of the best fitlers on the market a large filter..

how many fish can i keep in the tank

i want to keep these fish in the tank

golden tench
gold fish
koi carp
one of each

all from garden centre

barbel if i can catch one less than 8ins long( could be hard)
carp common and mirror carp
perch ( i really want this one)

1 or 2 of each
i will catch these fish from a local pond in the uk

In a 4ft tank!! Jesus Christ! :no:
Just putting my two cents in: I tried having a wild tank, and it was awful!!! They were very messy and they actually stank. Bream have an odor and no matter what you do, it's there. I had UGF and an Emporer 400 on a 29 gal tank, and they couldn't keep up. On the Emporer alone, that water was being filtered over ten times per hour. I'm not condeming your idea, just saying it isn't feasable for the average person. :byebye:
BronzeWolf said:
Keeping a tropical tank, requires alot more responsiblity and care than a coldwater tank
I strongly disagree with that. Coldwater fish are harder to keep IME. They need a lot more room and a lot more maintenence. It's also harder to keep the tank algae free because of the lack of choice and higher phosphate and nitrAte.
hi new to the site,i actualy clicked a link on google to find this idiot,cold water fish boring ? commets shibumkins,black moors,lionheads etc etc all suited to a 4ft tank,personaly i prefer tropical in the tank and cold wwater fish in the pond which is what there best suited to,i keep a variety of koi commets and all sorts in a pond my tank sits empty blowing bubbles in case of any sick fish :crazy:
perch are territorial for a start and will attack any other fish invading its space
i have seen it happen in a freinds tank he had 5 perch around 8 oz in weight in a 7ft tank.....took them 3 days to kill each other as well as the 3 roach he had
1 perch left at the end of it...that died anyway

if perch are sooo territorial then why do they swim in schools.

i say put one perch in there and see how it goes. if it statrs to go bad and he statrs to just hang out at the bottom then i say put him back in the wild. and if it goes well than add another fish. just put one in at a time. ;)
perch are territorial for a start and will attack any other fish invading its space
i have seen it happen in a freinds tank he had 5 perch around 8 oz in weight in a 7ft tank.....took them 3 days to kill each other as well as the 3 roach he had
1 perch left at the end of it...that died anyway

if perch are sooo territorial then why do they swim in schools.

i say put one perch in there and see how it goes. if it statrs to go bad and he statrs to just hang out at the bottom then i say put him back in the wild. and if it goes well than add another fish. just put one in at a time. ;) [/quote]
Do you want to tell me how exactly they swim in schools, the english Perch is a fairly large and viscous predator, a smaller version of the Pike of Zander and with less teeth.

If you catch one from the wild it will bring disease and I can say putting in a tank with its prey you would soon find some dead/eaten fish.

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