Can I Keep Corys?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2011
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I have a 10 gallon tank, it's been cycled and everything. In it currently are 2 Mollies who are healthy and doing great.
I plan on getting 1 more molly, and 1 Gourami within the next month.

Now my questions are, can I still fit cory's in my tank?
I know they like to be in school but would 2 be alright?
If so, what kind are the hardiest/smallest? Not the pygmys though!
Lastly, along with the leftover tropical fish food that floats to the bottom, would a diet of these algae wafers:
and something like these brine shrimp:
be okay for it's diet? OR would I need something different?
Some mollies can get quite large, and are not really suited for a 10 gallon tank. I'm not sure what type of gourami you are looking at, but I am not sure that a gourami would get along with mollies in the small confines of a 10 gallon tank.

Also, adding only 2 cories is not an acceptable option for most aquarists. Cories are a shoaling fish... they are most comfortable in larger numbers - usually at least 6. Pygmys are the smallest, so they are best for the tank you have.

Recommendations for a 10 gallon tank...
+1 Mollies OR Corys. It'll be pretty tight with the both.

In terms of bioload on the filter you could possibly (see below) squeeze 6 corys and a pair of gouramis, but thats top end, possibly even over, and would likely only be suitable for a well established tank with serious filtration. Im not 100% sure on this so....

Ill let someone else decide on that......
Some of the Corys will get quite big and need to be kept in groups, so may be too much for your tank.
Pygmy's would be your best bet.

Also, something to keep in mind.
Mollies like low end brackish, or very hard water.
The Corys, especially if wild caught will prefer softer, more acidic water. (Most of the Pygmys I have seen for sale at my LFS are wc).
i would get a few platies or guppies with 4 cory catfish :) perfect little tank
i recon that setup would be too small for cories, plus you have too keep cories in at least groups of 3 so that would be overstocking if you added all thatt fish.

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