Can I Keep Apistos With Kribs


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Could I keep a trio of apistos with a pair of kribs in a 55 gallon?
I would imagine it would be an, errr, interesting tank if both species decided to breed at the same time.
Don't do it. Not if you value your Apistos, anyway.
That would work. Just make sure you scape with territory in mind - try to keep them as far away from eachother as possible. You'd still be much better off mixing South American dwarves with other South American dwarves, though.
What if I do the trio with only one female krib
In a 55 gallon
That would likely be fine. I still wouldn't do it, personally. I don't find mixing cichlids from different continents to be a rewarding experience. I've done what you're contemplating in the past but I found that a lack of variety is more than made up for by interesting behaviour. There's not much interesting about a lone Krib (of either sex), in my opinion. They tend to be pretty shy, reclusive and skittish creatures when kept on their own (i.e. without another Krib). I doubt there would be much interaction between a single Krib and any of its tankmates. If you just really want to do it, you should go for it and see what you think.
I have one female krib right now and she's the opposite of shy
She lives fine with my guppies, german blue rams and neon tetras in my 20 gallon
The only fish she doesn't like so far is my female cherry barb that always picks fights with the krib

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