hi, i have a 4 ft 216l aquarium. i have recently changed the substrate from 6mm pea gravel, to 2thirds sand, and the left third 3mm rounded gravel. i intend to plant heavily, and i have a large open sand foreground, which i intend to keep unplanted. i have 4 kribs, [1 breeding pair, 2 other females, (i am thinking of getting rid of the 2 other females)], 20 hengels rasbora's, 7 cherry barbs, 5 cardinals, 5 rummynoses, 4 serpaes, 5 SAE'S and 3 ottos the rummynoses and cardinals are really old, and are slowly dieing off, and i don't intend to replace them, although i am thinking of getting some more serpae tetras. the temp is 26c, slowly being dropped to 24c. could i keep any corries in there? i no it is not recommended with kribs, but they aren't at all aggressive to the other fish, even when breeding. so, what do you think?