Can I keep an African Butterfly


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2004
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Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Hubby desperately wants an African Butterfly for our tank, which currently houses a small Gold Nugget Pleco and two Cherry Barbs. We're not terribly attached to the barbs, so if they become Butterfly Snacks, we won't be despondant. But they're almost 2" and I've never seen them in the top of the tank, so hopefully they'll be okay.

My question is whether the Butterfly will be okay in a 20 gallon tank with no other surface fish. It's a planted tank with some surface plants, but it has a power filter, so the water isn't still, even when the filter is on its lowest setting.

Also, our final plans include two dwarf gourami. I have read that they can breathe oxygen at the surface. Will they bother the Butterfly (or, more likely will he bother them)? I was wondering if we should get the gourami first and let them grow a little. I would not like for them to turn into Butterfly Treats.

-- Pamela
A 20g tank is fine, here is some more information on the species . :) However, they do not like powerful currents and prefer to drift in slow moving water with floating plants so maybe if possible consider slowing down the filter or changing its flow direction. It is also a good idea to lower the water level by an inch and add some floating plants as they are aggressive feeders which can damage themselves on hoods when jumping at floating food, it also gives you a better view of the fish. I would stick away from Dwarf Gouramis as they have become so over breed that many are now riddled with diseases like TB and more. :)
Make sure you tank is -really really- well covered. I had one of those guys, and he some how managed to either hit the lid with enough force to open it, or propelled himself out by the opening for the filter in the back of my tank. I found him on the other side of the room. :crazy: He jumped out 2 other times durning feeding. :blink: So yeah, the point of the story would be, keep your tank really well covered. :lol:
I agree with ya there... butterflies love to for water flow... if you can't turn it down, or re-direct it.. you could always use something at the surface, to mute the waterflow(if you have one of the classic "waterfall" type power filters), or perhaps moving it to one side of the tank, as long as it doesn't interfere with water for the barbs becoming Butterfly food, they sound large enough to hold thier own for awhile.. please don't quote me, though, for I've seen some Butterflies that could eat fish, much larger, than expected....
if I might offer a suggestion, if you're really looking for a smaller, more peaceful gourami? I've always been a fan of the Honey Gouramis,as they aren't very aggresive, at all, and they don't get overly large, or territorial...
one final suggestion also I might add, is to keep an eye on the barbs, just tomake sure they don't nip the butterfly's fins, too badly... barbs can be a bit rambuncious, and for being such known predators, butterflies aren't very aggressive.

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