Can I Keep A Bichir In A 10 Gallon?

This is true, though find me a picture of a live Meridionalsis and you win a prize!

There is thought that it may just be a Senegalus Senegalus but regional migration from Lake Turkana, where the Bichirs tend to grow bigger.

Yeah maridionalis is thought to possibly be a regional variant. but there are reports of an identifying factor between the two of their jaws being different lengths.
I cant remember which way around it was, but in one species the lower jaw protrudes past the upper and in the other it the upper jaw protrudes over the lower one.

I believe a few years back I did indeed have both species, and the growth rates were very different, the specimen I believed to be meridionalis grew a lot faster than the senegalus senegalus specimins.

I will have to see if I can dig out a photo of them :)
If I find a photo whats my prize :D

I no longer have the afore mentioned fish, as it did an escape trick out of a small gap in a tank :( I do how ever have 5 P. senegalus senegalus, bought as juvvies I am trying to get a breeding pair, but out of the 5 I think I have only 1 female. but we will see, apparently they are hard to breed but I willing to give it a go.
This is true, though find me a picture of a live Meridionalsis and you win a prize!

There is thought that it may just be a Senegalus Senegalus but regional migration from Lake Turkana, where the Bichirs tend to grow bigger.

Yeah maridionalis is thought to possibly be a regional variant. but there are reports of an identifying factor between the two of their jaws being different lengths.
I cant remember which way around it was, but in one species the lower jaw protrudes past the upper and in the other it the upper jaw protrudes over the lower one.

I believe a few years back I did indeed have both species, and the growth rates were very different, the specimen I believed to be meridionalis grew a lot faster than the senegalus senegalus specimins.

I will have to see if I can dig out a photo of them :)
If I find a photo whats my prize :D

I no longer have the afore mentioned fish, as it did an escape trick out of a small gap in a tank :( I do how ever have 5 P. senegalus senegalus, bought as juvvies I am trying to get a breeding pair, but out of the 5 I think I have only 1 female. but we will see, apparently they are hard to breed but I willing to give it a go.

Sorry to say but I can pretty much guarantee you that your "Meridionalis" was just a regular Senegalus.

There isn't any confirmed in captivity, and never have been.
In-fact one of the regulars at out Tokyo Bichir meets is a man named Dr. Toshiaki Igarashi. He was a contributor to the infamous "Jurassic Fish" book from years back.
He has spent a lifetime exploring and researching Jurassic fish and specializes in Polypteridae. He believes the "meridionalis" is invalid. I tend to agree.

All we have to go on with Meridionalis is an old picture of a fossil.
The said description is pretty much identical to Senegalus Senegalus. Both having protruding upper jaw.

That said, if there was one ever to be found in captivity, you can bet your bottom $/¥, it will be found here in Japan where Polypterus research, exploration and breeding is renowned.
And it would most likely be sat in one of my tanks HAHA!

Also, of all the Bichirs I found Senegalus easiest to breed. Recreating pressure drop and rainy season by means of slowly raising temperature then suddenly dropping to below normal with a low level will induce spawning.
Once eggs are laid, and the male has pocketed, fertilized and scattered, it is best to remove from tank.
Fry are also best kept an eye on as they are incredibly cannibalistic.

fair enough :D
I was simply going off what I have read about Id and the jaw thing was the only difference, but when you think about it that is very easily a deformation :)

fair enough :D
I was simply going off what I have read about Id and the jaw thing was the only difference, but when you think about it that is very easily a deformation :)

For sure.
Senegalus being among Endlicheri for the huge mass breeding, there are going to be so many changes in captive breeding. Genetics play a huge role.

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