Can I Keep 2 Clownfish In An 8g Nano?


New Member
Aug 11, 2007
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Birmingham UK

About to start to set up a 8G nano, my question is in time can I house 2 common clownfish with an anemone in this set up or is it too small? I have no desire to add any other fish.

Also any ideas on a clean up crew?

I'm looking at purchasing the following tank with the marine add on will I need to add anything elso to it?
I've seen two clowns put together in an 8gallon. But most will say "No, you need at least a 10gallon". An anemone will struggle to survive in a small tank like that. But I think putting two Clownfish in it is feasible. Just make sure you're on top of all parameters.
temporarily it will be okay, but will outgrow it in a 4-6 months if you get juvis, a full grown wouldnt work
i doubt the anemone would work since the smallest anemone gets to be 12 inches in diameter, some people get as small as 8" but dont count on it. Plus hosting anemones are hard to take care of and require very good water conditions (hard to do in a nano tank) and need mature tanks.

I would just stick to gobies.

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