can I keep 14 fish?


Nov 10, 2004
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I have a 23 gallon tank with 10 fish, all are small (less than one inch in size). I also have 4 platies in a 6 gallon. I want to transfer the platies to the larger tank, they dont seem happy. Will my tank be too crowded?
sounds fine to me, as long at your water is fine, and and your filters uo to the job.

I've had 40 fish in a 15g, but please anyone that has no exsperiance and time, do not follow my exsarmple.
about 150 jewels in a 12 :p

akudewan said:
I have a 23 gallon tank with 10 fish, all are small (less than one inch in size). I also have 4 platies in a 6 gallon. I want to transfer the platies to the larger tank, they dont seem happy. Will my tank be too crowded?
as ferrikins has said, provided you have the filtration,
then yes you can add the platties to the current stock.
I've got 12 fish in a 26 gallon, but my sis has had 20 regular sized fish plus a growing plec in a 13 gallon before.

(Regualr sized fish are ones such as harelequin rasboras, a moonlight gourami, swordtails and platties.)

I would have thought it would be fine.
I think it would probably be fine, as long as the 10 fish you have in there already wont get a huge ammount bigger i cant see it being a problem. Just make sure the tank is not too bare, and that the filtration and aeration is plentyful :)

Hi everyone, I added the platies to my 23 gal and they seem much happier. The tank has become very lively. I'll get a betta for my 6 gallon :)
Great stuff i think you could get a betta and maybe 3 corys or if you can get them, Pygmy Corys. Other suitable fish might be otos, or maybe some african dwarf frogs?

Ben :)
I sweat a topic went like this a few days ago saying random big fish in small tanks...

Just keep an eye on your red tail black shark. As they get bigger they usually become agresive. He will eventually get to 6inch but with your current stock (and the platies) your fish are fine even at full size.

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