Can I Have Some Opinions Please?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 1, 2007
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I would like to add some colourful fish to my tank, but am not sure about compatability.

I currently have the following which is slowly being transferred into my Fluval 190 now its finally finished cycling:

Queen Arabesque Pleco
Common Pleco
4 Sail fins
4 Neons
2 Polkdot loaches
2 Silver Sharks

I would love to get another male Betta with 2 or 3 females perhaps, which of course does cut down my options quite a lot, does anyone have any ideas of some nice colourful fish I can have with a Betta and my above tank? I like the idea of maybe 4 corys, but I already have a lot of bottom feeders.


Well, I would try and rehome the common plec and both silver sharks. These both get too big for a 190 litre tank.
Well, I would try and rehome the common plec and both silver sharks. These both get too big for a 190 litre tank.

Thanks for this, they were given to me when they outgrew my friends 90 litre - poor things were so cramped. They will be going back to lfs when they get too big for mine. My common plec is only a couple of inches long at the moment, but the lfs is always happy to take them back when they grow to big, I am hoping to keep him for a good few years before then - he is fab! It is a corner tank so he will have enough room to turn around as he gets bigger and he seems quite happy for now.
If its colour your after then i would look at rainbow fish, Bosemanis, neon blues and reds all look awesome in a shoal.
I would also add 6 more neons and possbily even 10 glo-lite teras

If you want to add bettas then i would go for just a few females
If its colour your after then i would look at rainbow fish, Bosemanis, neon blues and reds all look awesome in a shoal.
I would also add 6 more neons and possbily even 10 glo-lite teras

If you want to add bettas then i would go for just a few females

fantastic advice, thanks, I have just been to the shop, they are waiting for a delivery, so I was only able to get 5 glow lights, but I got another 5 neons - they always look better in a shawl, I didn't pick up 10 as I may get 5 bleeding heart tetras too. They are all really pretty, I have never seen the bleeding hearts until today (didn't look for them mind). I will see how my new additions go and then I might get some more.

I might just add the females they are just as colourful as the males and don't restrict my tank as much.

Thanks all!


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