Can I Have An Alligator Gar In My Tank?

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Nice to see he killed a no doubt old fish.
These can be kept and no doubt are kept in aquariums, maybe not your average one but on other sites you see people with silly sized tanks at home.
DO you eat fish? I think all the judgment is hilarious when most of you probably eat fish. Have you seen a fresh tuna in person? They are HUGE and much nicer to look at then the gar. But they are slaughtered for food.
He butchered the fish so quickly the he didn't have it properly weighed. I guarantee someone who is into fishing for the "sport" of it would have weighed that fish. It could have been a record catch.

Fish is best when butchered soon after death, it can decompose quickly, so I conclude he was planning to eat it. It's no different IMO then butchering a cow, Tuna, Goat, etc. My father-in-law hunts deer every winter and sends us venison steaks. Deer are beautiful creatures, but they sure make a lovely steak.

My point was really, theres no high ground to judge on unless you are a vegan and refuse animal protein.
how big is your tank? if it is big then yes you can but small one you can not realy big one alligator other wise grow too big for the tank :lol:
Hey, I don't personally feel the need to go hunting. I don't even kill bugs, I put them all outside. However, I have eaten a lot of meat that comes from hunting, all fishing would be including in that category for me. The dude is from Texas, they hunt and eat some crazy stuff down here.

I just don't have a problem with someone having the right to go out and hunt their own food. Humans have been doing it from the beginning of their time. I think it would be much sadder to see things that are endangered hunted. Things like Whales, or the slaughter of dolphins, when the meat is poisonous with mercury.
I hunt and fish. The smart thing for him to do would have been to shoot one of the smaller males (no doubt still huge fish if they were trying to breed with this monster.) That way the big egg laying female would still be out there adding to the future population. I eat some fish, but always release the larger gravid females that I catch. However, I do defend his right to as he sees fit within the law, and apparently he did just that.
Iv got know issue killing things for food. but the fact that the guy went out and saw a real bigun and then had to go and kill it just because of its size is m only issue with him
Any hunter would do just that. Go for the gold. If you were in a tree stand and saw a 16 point buck standing next to its 6 point buddy, I gurantee you aren't taking out the 6-point.
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