Can i have a L066 AND and bristlenose

otos and hilsream loaches aernt that aggresive right/'
No, they usually are very peaceful.

Definitely stay away from Algae Eaters. They are massive and mean. I have 4 that are around 7 inches each in my smaller tank, 29 gallons, and I am trying to figure out what to do with them lol
I would definitely try to get a bigger tank or try to give them to your LFS. 29 gallons isn’t that much room, especially for 4, 7in+ fish.
if you like nerite snails they help out a little and are cool looking. make sure you have a lot of algae though, they need to surviev
I got 5 zebra nerite.....oh wow they are great, i can't stop watching them. They are doing a great job at cleaning the tank. The LFS said 5 for a 123L tank, but im now stressing alittle as they are doing a great job at cleaning up, maybe 5 was too much?
I absolutely love them. Why have I never got snails before. I have a great video of them cleaning the glass but its mp4 and it won't upload. Too cute ? ?
Thank you for the tip.


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