Can I Have A Betta In My Tank?


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
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United Kingdom
Ok well I have a 15L hex tank, and I would like to house a betta in it.

I have been filtering it about 5 days - and i added some nutrafin cycle to help the process.
I also have put some dechlorinator in it.

Yesterday I had high nitrite it in, so i changed most of the water.

I have a heater.

Can someone answer these questions please?

What temp do bettas like? (in degrees C please)
is my tank big enough?
is it ok to add one today?

also, what sort of little fishes would go with one?

i know not to get fin nippers, or fish with long fins
yes, a betta would be fine in that tank although i would leave it a little longer for your parameters to stabalize. i keep my betta at around 24d and he's fine, most tropicals like the temperature at about 25 but it does vary.

bettas can be kept with peaceful shoalers such as white cloud mountain minnows, harlequin rasboras, zebra danios and pigmy corydoras but it does depend on the temperament of the individual. your tank is too small for a shoal, so i would get a few shrimp - cherry or amano are good.
ok thanks

i like the mountain minnows, they are so pretty. i had some harlequins before and they were alright but all died on me!

i spose i cant have them though :p

my tank is at 27c but i'll turn it down
sounds like a great idea, i cant remember who is, but someone on here showed a beautiful photo of a hex betta tank, with a sand base and live plants,it looked stunning.. i keep meaning to have a go with a spare hex that i have got, just havent got round to it :unsure:

but you could make it really ,really nice, and i would love to some pics of the finished project.... to be honest , i think a male betta on his own in a hex tank would be enough, lots of them are much happier on their own ( tho saying that lots like company) but would certainly make for a striking display

good luck with it :)

thanks shelagh i will try to get some pictures up once its done

its just a cheap plastic hex tank from Aldi, i got it for £10 instead of £20 because it came with some food which was missing! (i have loads anyway :p)
it came with an air pump, ornament, and gravel, but it was for cold water so i got hold of a heater for £6 off ebay and a filter for £10 off ebay. (LFS tried to charge me £15 each, and i could have got a decent tank for £70)

the bulb that came with it was quite orangeish so i changed it for a colder one to brighten it up. it hasent worked much better, its still quite a dull tank and it looks shoddy - mainly because it is plastic.. i wont bother with plastic tanks again! they scratch way too easy, even without fish in :angry:
Oto cats seem quite good tank mates, but they need a bit more of a mature setup than yours. Zebra nerite snails are cool looking and do a great job of cleaning up algae
i wouldn't turn your heater down if i were you, bettas do best at 26-29 although they can survive at lower temperatures, they tend to be more active at slightly higher temps, they also have a better chance of fighting off infections and diseases at slightly higher temps as their metabolism works faster and their immune system works better.
thanks thats some great advice

i went today and got one! i had a choice of 5, 1 white/slightly turquoise, 1 white, 1 light brown, 1 maroon red, and 1 royal navy with black head and lighter blue fins.

I was going to get the red one then noticed the blue one in the tank above - and got it. It matches the colour of my tank, and i got some blue gravel to match aswell.

it looks quite good. but i need a plant,background and proper set up..

i just went to check him after an hour or so, and he was stuck under my elite stingray filter!! rescued him now but his top fin has a rip. it looks as though it will come off!

i also got 2 black neon tetras to go with him. they look good because above their black stripe they have a blue stripe which is the same colour as the betta

i am not sure what type of betta it is - but it looks like a delta. i havent seen it flare yet :)
ok so really u shudnt have neons in there, theyre fin nippers

also imo 15litres shud be him, and maybe a few ottos but thats my opinion

has he torn his fin?

ps- neons do better in bigger groups, not just 2

i think it wud be easier to put them in another tank, and add more to the group and find some other company for ur betta
bad idea getting the tetras - they prefer to be kept in groups of at least six and your tank is too small! tetras are also fin nippers (not good for your betta).

take them back to the shop. they'll be much happier. just concentrate on your betta for now and get the tank planted or however you want it. when it's matured get a few shrimp for the tank. i wouldn't even house ottos in your tank - it's too small in my opinion.
uve just repeated what ive sed :blink:

ottos wud be fine in that tank, altho its down to preference

i wud put a few pygmy cories in there, theyd be wicked and theyre sooo cute to watch aswell
im so sad!
i got the betta and 2 black neons at about 12, and by 7 the betta was trapped under the elite stingray 5 filter. then this morning he was stuck inside the castle. when i let him out of it he has not come off the gravel since!!!

and i just checked now, at 2pm and one of the black neons was squashed behind the filter! its upsetting, because i havent had a death for weeks in my main tank. now a day after this new tank they are in bad condition

anyone know if there is any way of improving the condition? like fin repair or something, for my betta. his fins are in baaaad condition .. :(

( i do care about him, and the black neon. yes i know i should have "6" but i know the fish will survive on its own.)
Maybe the neon will survive on its own but will it thrive??? If you can't give them at least the bare minimum of a group of six then you should take them back. Just because they look good doesn't mean they are suitable. Plus the fact that tetras are notorious fin-nippers won't help your betta's fins look any better.b

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