Fish Addict
Only you can make the call as you have the best view of your fish and all the relevant comparisons at your disposal. My guess wouldn't be any better than yours.So are mine San Juan, Coryologist?

Only you can make the call as you have the best view of your fish and all the relevant comparisons at your disposal. My guess wouldn't be any better than yours.So are mine San Juan, Coryologist?
Doubtful. More than likely you are dealing with the incredibly high variation within many species.Hm, tough call but I'm leaning toward C. Napoensis although on mine the lateral lines aren't quite as defined as Frank's. Also, the markings on mine are more blotchy. But it's close. Is it possible that mine are a variant or a cross of C. Napoensis?
Well, this group hardly represents any of what I consider to be my more successful images. I have gotten a bit better recently. I possess no great skill in taking pics. I approach it with the same attitude with which I apply to spawning Corys. A modicum of knowledge, a great deal of common-sense, a dogged determination to try, try again and not allowing the words "impossible" or "quit" into your personal vocabulary. It's try what they say. "Practice makes perfect" - although I have also come to understand that nothing is perfect. lol. - FrankAnd Frank, your pictures are just fabulous. I hope one day to be as good as you.