can i get a pair of cichlids


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
this is want i have in my tank its a 30 gallon tank some of the fish are small adults (growing fry)

2 baby cherry barbs called merlin (male) and tinkabel (female)
1 red guppy called poppy(f),1 red guppy called percy (m) and 1 red guppy called syvil (f)
1 red-orange swordtail called moe (f)
1 dalmation molly called holly(f), also 1 yellow molly called tangerene (f)
1 red wag platy called milly (f),one blue calico micky platy called micky (m),1 comet platy bo (m),1 blue tinted wag platy called theodore (m) 2 baby comet frycalled little and peepsey, also charlie the red calico wag (m),george the red wag (m) and jeanie the red wag (f)
2 Redfin Otocinclus called the fish finger crew
2 flying foxes called Zippers.

if so what fish can i have i have added rams beofre but both died form strange white hairey-like tuffs which appeared on there heads......... also i don't mind trying something new. it would be good i be able to tell the difference between male and female, and at least slightly colourful.. i was wondering about kribs but they gorw quite big i am looking for cichlid off 3 inches and below??? andy south american hardy fish!!! which are colourful

please help :thumbs: :cool:
If you want to add some a piar of cichlid your best be is either a pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides or borelli. Both are quite nice looking fish and are easy to keep and do not need any special water conditions.

Though if you would like something diffrent i have some A. sp. "Inca" take a look.


I hope this helps.
Peter Lovett said:
If you want to add some a piar of cichlid your best be is either a pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides or borelli. Both are quite nice looking fish and are easy to keep and do not need any special water conditions.

Though if you would like something diffrent i have some A. sp. "Inca" take a look.


I hope this helps.
Are they also less demanding
Less demanding than what?

They need good water but other than good water change as good husbandry they are oretty easy to keep and breed.

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