can I feed my corys at night


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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the only way my corys get to eat during the day is if i overfeed the tank. can corys find food in the dark is what im really asking
yes they can
but you should also provide them with a sinking pellet such as brine shrimp
i feed my fish twice a day
a small pinch of flakes in the morning
and bloodworms at night
i also (only at night) drop a couple sinking shrimp pellets in each tank and the occational algae waffer :thumbs:

that way you don't have to worry about overfeeding to compensate for the cories
if you only give them a few shrimp pellets (about 1 pellet for each 1-2 cory) then they willl still clean the bottom of the tank wonderfully :nod:
I am fairly certain that cories are nocturnal. At any rate, they find food with their barbles, not their eyes so they will find it at night just fine!

I usually feed mine in the day time and they swarm like locusts on the food but I occasionally drop something in before bed too and they go after it just as hard.
FishDan said:
I am fairly certain that cories are nocturnal.
Umm it's 1:03am here there tank light has been off since 8pm and only the glow of the montor is slightly lighting the room and they are dancing in the water like crazy.
i just bought some shrimp pellets and my 6 tiger barbs got to them way before my corys got to them i just can't win with this thing

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