Fish Crazy
i currently have a jack dempsey 2 green terrors and a firemouth, do u think a largeish plec of somesort would mi ok with them?
i currently have a jack dempsey 2 green terrors and a firemouth, do u think a largeish plec of somesort would mi ok with them?
I'm guessing that all these guys are currently pretty small? A full grown gt will be cramped in a 55g. A full grown jd will want a 55g all to itself. The firemouth can't hang with that crowd when they grow out. Common pleco gets too big (as others have noted). I would definitely lose the one gt, keep my eye on the fm cause it's going to need to be rescued shortly, and I wouldn't add anything that's going to get big (a bushy-nosed plec would be ok). Basically, I'd be looking to move things OUT, not in.