Can I add more?!?!?!


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Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
I have a 29 gallon tank with 10 ballon mollies in it. They all stay at the top constantly so now the bottom of my tank is totally unactive. Can I add something that is more of a bottom dweller or am I stocked? If so, what fish?

There is also a common pleco in there that I will be getting rid of in the next few days.
you could go with a couple cory's, or maby a dragon goby, i plan on getting a drogan goby for my future 30 gallon, they are so neat.
Is your substrate sand or gravel? Do you keep your mollies with salt in their water? Depending on the answers to those questions, I'd say you could easily add either a shoal of cories or some kuhli loaches. I don't think the inch per gallon rule has any real merit and, like you said, the mollies occupy the top of the tank and any bottom dwellers you'd add would not be competing for space. Just be aware that the more heavily stocked your tank is, the more diligent you'll need to be with water changes.
well, since you have a plec in there, i'm assuming you aren't keeping your mollies bw, so as suggested, go with a couple of cories (min. of three). theyre fun, active, and great little clean up crew. there are other small loaches besides kuliis too, check out
Nope, it's brackish. Light brackish though... everyone says plecos cant tolerate the salt but they can!!! It's hard to believe but my pleco does so much better now. He was with cichlids and never came out and was a little skinny. Now his fins have grown back after the mean cichlid attack and he is always out. Even during the day. He eats 5 algae disks a day! He is a big pooper, that's why I'm taking him to the lfs. He poops a lot and is getting kinda big. But I might keep it with the salt. The mollies seem to like it!
Well then you can't get any cories since you have salt but, I'm not sure if loaches can handle salt or not.
I keep my pleco and my cories in a tank with trace amounts of salt. When you say it's brackish, how brackish do you mean? I'm not at all surprised that your pleco is unaffected by the salt. Mine is over four years old and I've yet to see any sign of these famous salt burns I keep reading about. My cories couldn't be chubbier, more playful, or healthier looking. There are kuhlis in that tank, too. I also have another tank with four different types of loaches in it... and yep.. trace salt in there, too.
It's like the minimum amount of salt required for brackish. It's like super duper light brackish. I put 10 tablespoons in but have changed the water and added a lot of fresh water since then. That was like 4 weeks ago that I added the salt.

My female auratus always picked on him.

I was thinking three cories and maybe I will take the 4 neons out of my 18 gallon and put them in the 29. Then add a few more to make a complete shoal. I think they would like that. Then I could add some more glowlights to my 18 gallon to make them happy.

But I can't do that today because I can't get a ride to get my check. So I have no money... I need to get my driver's license!
well, then if its bw, why not see if you can find some bw bumblebee gobies? theyre funny little guys who spend most of their time at the bottom but will swim up and about too.
Hi Auratus :)

Sorry, but that's way too much salt for either corys or loaches. It's too bad, though. You would like them, but I wouldn't take a chance.

Once I had to put ich medicine in a tank with loaches and saw how easily they are affected by additives to the water. I had to get them out immediately. I would hate to see this happen to any fish. :no:

If you can wean the mollys off the salt, by all means, get corys. If not, please do not get them.
But like I said, I have watered it down a lot and someone else said that their cories and loaches do well with little salt. What other fish could I get besides bbg? I have looked for them and the only place I have found them was a half an hour away for like 7.00 a piece.

Also, it's aquarium salt not marine salt. Does that make any difference?

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