Can I Add Kuhlie Loaches


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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My current stock is in my sig. but it nesds a little editing currently there is just one platy. Could I add a few (3 oe 2) kuhlie loaches?
My current stock is in my sig. but it nesds a little editing currently there is just one platy. Could I add a few (3 oe 2) kuhlie loaches?

kuhlie loaches are largley nocternal and always stay at the bottom of the tank, inless you have alot of bottom feeders go for it, they need good hiding places

someone told me a tank reaching nitrate levels of 40+ or 50+ (i forget) in a week is overstocked..or at it's max. what are yours at?
Consider how big the bottom of your tank is though..and decide based on that. i'm not sure what your tank looks like but i think many of those 25ish gallon tanks are more tall than they are wide. you've got that BN and the cories already. you should add 2 or 3 corries.

i wish someone else with more experience would comment. I just saw someone's sig with 9 khulli's in a 10 gallon. it had one other fish in it i think. that sounds like a lot...but maybe not. i've never actually even seen a khulli so idk.

if you do decide to get tthem i'd go for 4 or 5 though. they like bigger groups liek most loaches. having loaches in a bigger group can also just be really entertaining in addition to better for the loaches health.
I think your tank will 'probably' be big enough for Kuhlis. Though in my experience with the right environment they are actually very active little fishies!

However, in a 24 gal you cannot sustain a reasonable sized Kuhli group AND Cory shoal.
I have a 33gal (125l) and I had to choose between have 8 Corys OR 7 Kuhlis...See my sig for what I eventually chose!

My advice would be to choose one or the other.
Either up your Corys or re-home and buy Kuhlis.
Haha that would be me!

Check my sig, i have 9 because they enjoy the company and don't just stay at the bottom of the tank as the only other fish in there is a betta.

I'd say you can add them great fish, mine are out all day (and night)

They don't bury themselves either. Also they are tiny lol long like worms, they max 10cm and most of mine are around that.
hey there you are! haha

yea i've heard of many people keeping a bunch of them even in a smaller tank like that.

idk this is a tough one, i'd almost be inclined to go with curiosity's advice, just to ensure that everyone has room on the bottom, because your tank doesn't have much space on the bottom probably, and you should up the numbers of corys

orrr...maybe you could take back the cory's, and just get a bunch of khuli's, then not worry about it at all.
Yea in a tank that size it's kuhlis or cory's i'm afraid, too much bottom feeder is a bad thing.

Mine have pretty much the tank to themselves, my betta doesn't bother them, he's too buisy being mischeviouse

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