Can I Add Fish?


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I Have 2 otocinclus to eat algae and on this forum they suggested me to buy some more (4) and maybe a ghost shrimp for the algae. I Haven't decided on that one yet...I do one to add one or to otos more, though. In the thank there are guppy fry and one adult female guppy.
I would really like to havesome fish along with that guppies. I don't mind them eating fry, just not the adults. Cause I know that guppies breed like rabbits...
Anyway, I read on the ineternet a list of compatible fish. I shortened the list quite a bit, only leaving fish that I really like...

So here is the list, whats your opinion? Which one to choose? Oh and don't mind if they are hard to get, I will try my best :rolleyes:

Galaxy rasbora
Female betta
otocinclus - this I will take
Glass fish
Hemigrammus hyanuary
Copella nattereri
nannostomus beckfordi
nannostomus marginatus
nannostomus mortenthaleri
carnegiella strigata (fasciata)
Gasteropelecus sterniela
Iritherina werneri
Pseudomugil gertrudae

I'll avoid the pencil fish and tetra's, how ever the rainbows will be fine and so would Galaxy rasbora (with these though try to locate local breed fish as vry endangered.)
Hi so you think galaxy or rainbow fish...

Why do you think it's best to avoid mixing guppies with pencil fish (nanostomasare pencil fish, right?) or tetras?
Pencils are ok but like most tetra's they can get nippy.

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