Can I add anything to my community tank?


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Jul 19, 2019
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Just wondering if there is anything I can add in my aquarium. My planted tank is a community and is 220L or 52 Gallons! No aggression issues apart from the barbs occasionally sparring between themselves. Btw, I know the risk of angelfish and neon Tetra and I have a plan for that.

1 Angelfish

4 Cherry Barbs

10 Neon Tetra

3 Guppies

3 Mollies

5 Albino Corydoras

4 Otocinculus

1 Siamese Algae Eater

1 Bamboo Shrimp
Frogs! African Dwarf Frogs! Unless it's a really tall tank. Although they might like your shrimp a bit too much...
Can you tell us the dimensions of your tank and your pH and GH. That way we can suggest ideas for your tank :)
Can you tell us the dimensions of your tank and your pH and GH. That way we can suggest ideas for your tank :)
The dimensions are 100x40x55cm. pH is around 7.2 (Tap is 7.5, tank is 7.2). Not sure my exact GH but was told my hardness is moderately soft. And UK tap water is generally soft aswell.
Frogs! African Dwarf Frogs! Unless it's a really tall tank. Although they might like your shrimp a bit too much...
I’ve owned those guys before, but they were bullies by my dwarf gourami so I think that they’ll definitely be picked on by my angelfish and barbs. Plus my tank is 55cm tall.
Frogs! African Dwarf Frogs! Unless it's a really tall tank. Although they might like your shrimp a bit too much...
African dwarf frogs are quite slow eater and as such can often find it hard to find food, they are best keeper on there own
The dimensions are 100x40x55cm. pH is around 7.2 (Tap is 7.5, tank is 7.2). Not sure my exact GH but was told my hardness is moderately soft. And UK tap water is generally soft aswell.
for you GH it depends where you are in the UK I am from the south and our water is super hard (120GH) but if you like in the midlands to the north your water should be softer
for you GH it depends where you are in the UK I am from the south and our water is super hard (120GH) but if you like in the midlands to the north your water should be softer
I’m just north of London and mines 340ppm. 19dg. You’re lucky.
Ok so judging by your dimensions and water parameters we can suggest you a lot of ideas!

I think you should up your cory count to 7-8 and leave it at that. Everything else should be fine. Other people can suggest ideas too.
Ok so judging by your dimensions and water parameters we can suggest you a lot of ideas!

I think you should up your cory count to 7-8 and leave it at that. Everything else should be fine. Other people can suggest ideas too.
I’ve asked reddit too and I’m definitely getting more of the cories. Lots of people said to increase the cherry barbs too, should I do that? I don’t see them a lot and they hide a lot
Your waters a bit too soft for Guppy’s and Mollys I think and right on the Cherry’s comfort edge.
With water like yours the last fish I’d be keeping are Guppy’s, Mollys and Cherry’s. Because of my water (340ppm) and wanting to do the right thing by my fish I’m forced into considering those three.
You’ve far more options. Id kill for your water. You’re very lucky. Don’t waste that luck. One day you may be living in a very hard water area with little other than Guppy’s, Mollys and Cherry’s surviving there.
African dwarf frogs are quite slow eater and as such can often find it hard to find food, they are best keeper on there own
That's so true - I have to feed mine with tongs. Their eyesight is so bad even that can be tricky, but they do love a teeny tiny bit of steak or some bloodworms brought right up to them!
More corys for sure. Maybe if you removed the guppy’s and mollys you could increase the neon shoal to 18-20 or something. Just an idea :). I’d be so happy to have your water lol

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