Can I Add Any Other Fish?


New Member
Mar 7, 2005
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North Dakota, USA
I'd like to add some color (fish wise) in my tank. My fancy guppies give it some but I was wondering if I could put a Swordtail or two in there with them. Tank stats in siggy

Opinions appreciated :) Thanks
danios really need a tank larger than 10 gallons as they are such active fish.

maybe get your danios a new home and get more guppies? maybe two more guppies and then you can fit some swordies in there too.
don't take my word on it, i haven't kept livebearers.
Swordtails need even more space than danios IMO. Not only are they as active, but they are quite a bit bigger. Platies give as much colour but need less room.

I would not add more to your tank as it is, as you are already quite heavily stocked. But I would be inclined to take catxx's advice and rehome the danios, which would make space for additions. Then I would get 2 more male guppies to avoid future aggression issues; add to this 3 male platies, or females if you can be sure they are virgins :p
i f ur tank stats are fine and u dont hav any problems u could leave it as it is right now but dont get any more fish but my friend has 8 or 10 zevra danios in a 10 gallon and hes fine
i f ur tank stats are fine and u dont hav any problems u could leave it as it is right now but dont get any more fish but my friend has 8 or 10 zevra danios in a 10 gallon and hes fine

The fish might be fine, but they are really active fish. If they turn around and swim for a bit, that doesn't help cause almost right away, they'll have to turn right back and swim. They might be small, but they need a lot of space.

You could always get some tetras, I'm sure a couple of neons would fit happily into the ten gallon if you removed the danios and put them in a larger tank.
What size, length specifically, do danios need? My tank is 20 inches long by 8 wide by 12 high.

I've definitely decided to nix the more fish idea, I pretty much thought as much.

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