Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

Do you have room for a 5? You could probably get away with a pair in a 5g
Others have correctly advised, and I concur...frogs and fish do not go together. I've no doubt there are sites suggesting they do, but there is probably more misinformation or downright false information circulating in this hobby especially on internet sites than there is accurate and reliable information.
Others have correctly advised, and I concur...frogs and fish do not go together. I've no doubt there are sites suggesting they do, but there is probably more misinformation or downright false information circulating in this hobby especially on internet sites than there is accurate and reliable information.
Ok. I was curious if I could add one or 2 to my tank. Why do they not go together?
A 20 gallon long is a good tank to have, I have one and like it for easier maintenance and a nice size all around. You could get a tank divider and section off an area for the ADF like around 1/4. Something to consider.
Ok. I was curious if I could add one or 2 to my tank. Why do they not go together?

As others have mentioned, the frogs are not active or aggressive feeders. Almost any fish will easily be able to out-compete the frog. Then there is the issue of nipping; no fish is so peaceful that it will not nip a creature it regards as a threat to its food. That is not how nature works.
Although some have had success with keeping African dwarf frogs and fish together(there are a lot of differing opinions, I won't give mine since I haven't kept adf's nor do I want to assume), I would not add any. Your tank is overstocked as it is, especially once you get proper numbers for some of your fish.
Ive kept ADF with fish and in a species only tank. In a tank with fish they are reclusive and shy and hide all day. They are also very social creatures and need to be in groups. As others have mentioned fish will outcompete them for food. They have poor eyesight and find their food by smell off the substrate. Other fish will eat the food far before they can get to it as they are slow feeders. In a species only tank they will float at the top of the water in a "zen" position. They frequently mate and will spawn. They will also sit on the bottom of the tank and " chirp" or croak to each other and this can be heard if listening carefully. They also dont like much of a current and will be more active with low current. None of this behavior will be exhibited when they are with any fish as they will hide all day.
Id suggest getting 5-6 of them in a species only tank. I had 6 in a 10 gallon. They also need sand as they are bottom feeders and food will get stuck and lost in between gravel.
They enjoy plants and cooler tropical temps around 76 degrees not 80s. Make sure to get more females than males to spread out the horniness:) males are smaller and females bigger and plumper. If you never want to see your frogs and have them die early put them with fish, if you want to see their funny behavior keep them in a species only tank. They do well with snails and shrimp as well though if your shrimp have babies the frogs will eat them and if the frogs have tadpoles the shrimp will eat them

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