Fish Crazy
Like the name says I have a cycled thirty gallon was wondering if I could add two honey gourami and a ram would that crash the cycle?
8 neon tetras
6 harlequin rasboras
1 honey gourami
5 Cory catfish
2 cherry barbs
I do a weekly water change every friday
I'd add 4, monitor your water, but change your water prior to adding them.So how many cherrry barbs should I add at once? What are the steps to guarantee safety for the next few days?
Your usual is fineHow much water should I change?
You are basically "resetting" your parameters to fresh clean water, so that *if* there is a nitrate spike, it's not as high and sudden as it could be. Giving the nitrates a lower starting point basically.why would I add water prior and not after?
After the barbs, honestly I'd just say fix the honey gourami to a pair or trio and leave it at that. A 30g is really limited and you've got several schools already taking up space. I wouldn't comfortably suggest even more.I was also wondering how much room do o have left for more fish after the barbs?