Can I add 3 fish of good size to an established 30 gallon?


Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2020
Reaction score
Fresno California
Like the name says I have a cycled thirty gallon was wondering if I could add two honey gourami and a ram would that crash the cycle?
What's currently in the tank?
What is the temperature? (German blue rams like it hot, which any existing fish may not like, for example. There's a Bolivian ram that likes cooler temperatures [72-78F] which would be an alternative depending on other fish...)

What's your GH, pH? If your GH and pH are too high, you shouldn't go for these fish.

Other tankmates should be considered if you currently have some other fish. In a 30g, I'd not choose a ram or other dwarf cichlid at all if you have corydoras. Best a larger setup to have both...

Honey gourami are social, ideally kept in trios at the very least, or even a group of 6, so keep this in mind as well.
8 neon tetras
6 harlequin rasboras
1 honey gourami
5 Cory catfish
2 cherry barbs
I do a weekly water change every friday
8 neon tetras
6 harlequin rasboras
1 honey gourami
5 Cory catfish
2 cherry barbs
I do a weekly water change every friday

Okay so, increase the cherry barbs to 6. They're schooling fish.

NO ram. You are very stocked as it is and also a ram isn't compatible with the corydoras in a 30g. And a German blue ram needs it way hotter than those fish could handle. A Bolivian would work temperature wise, but definitely not with the bottom dwellers already in this tank and it not being enough space to establish territory. Rams can be fickle and if they decide a spot is theirs and they don't like the cories, it's bad news for the cories. Better in a larger tank, but a 30g isn't big enough for both.

I would say, adding another honey gourami is doable though, since they need a group.
So how many cherrry barbs should I add at once? What are the steps to guarantee safety for the next few days?
So how many cherrry barbs should I add at once? What are the steps to guarantee safety for the next few days?
I'd add 4, monitor your water, but change your water prior to adding them.

Wait a couple weeks and then add the gourami.
why would I add water prior and not after?
You are basically "resetting" your parameters to fresh clean water, so that *if* there is a nitrate spike, it's not as high and sudden as it could be. Giving the nitrates a lower starting point basically.

I was also wondering how much room do o have left for more fish after the barbs?
After the barbs, honestly I'd just say fix the honey gourami to a pair or trio and leave it at that. A 30g is really limited and you've got several schools already taking up space. I wouldn't comfortably suggest even more.

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