Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem?

i sucks that common plecs are so common, almost no one has enough room for them, and they usually get bought by inexperienced keepers... like me when i was 9 or 10 (6 years ago, not anymore), i bought one hand had it in a 17 gallon coldwater goldfish aquarium.
they wouldnt sell heaters if tropical fish didnt need them... im actualy surprised they didnt try to convince you to buy like 2 heaters or something
We need a cooler head here folks. It is one thing to have a disagreement about how to care for a fish but quite another to jump down each other's throats. Please try to keep things civil on this thread. We all have opinions but there is no reason to get so worked up.

I got curious and did some research myself, I don't keep gouramis, and found that they can tolerate a low temperature at values between 68F and 72F depending on what source you believe. In a warm home, that would be about what I would expect an unheated tank to go to. That means that some people might actually be able to keep a gourami unheated, depending on how warm they keep their home. It would never work at my house but that does not mean it would never be able to work. I would not think a 10 gallon was big enough for a gourami for the long term because they are rather large fish. It is one of the reasons that I don't keep them. I like small fish as my personal preference.
We need a cooler head here folks. It is one thing to have a disagreement about how to care for a fish but quite another to jump down each other's throats. Please try to keep things civil on this thread. We all have opinions but there is no reason to get so worked up.

I got curious and did some research myself, I don't keep gouramis, and found that they can tolerate a low temperature at values between 68F and 72F depending on what source you believe. In a warm home, that would be about what I would expect an unheated tank to go to. That means that some people might actually be able to keep a gourami unheated, depending on how warm they keep their home. It would never work at my house but that does not mean it would never be able to work. I would not think a 10 gallon was big enough for a gourami for the long term because they are rather large fish. It is one of the reasons that I don't keep them. I like small fish as my personal preference.

I figured a moderator would show up sooner or later here...I'm glad someone else sees how uncivil this topic got, I mean really...if people wanted to try and convince somebody else about something, it should be kept as polite as possible...and try and not show signs of getting extremely worked up, the fact of the matter is...these fish will experience a radical change in December, it's my B-day after all, and I'm getting a tank bigger than 70 Gallons, the reason being because my 20 Gallon tank...well my Black moor seems to be growing at a fast rate, and it's starting to show signs of that's why I want a tank that huge, I have 4 goldfish in there...but they'll have to wait, as I don't have the money yet, the current 20 gallon tank they're in, will actually be the new home to this Gourami, and the 10 Gallon, I might just dispose of it, or keep it in storage, the Gourami is doing fine as I said...the climate here is pretty warm...actually, pretty hot during the day, even at night you can feel some heat inside the house, global warming I fear...but that's outside the topic, yes? Conveniently for the Pleco, the new huge tank I'll get is where he'll be, however I didn't find it worth it at all to reply to people's comments in here because, I just felt they were really going over the top...
We need a cooler head here folks. It is one thing to have a disagreement about how to care for a fish but quite another to jump down each other's throats. Please try to keep things civil on this thread. We all have opinions but there is no reason to get so worked up.

I got curious and did some research myself, I don't keep gouramis, and found that they can tolerate a low temperature at values between 68F and 72F depending on what source you believe. In a warm home, that would be about what I would expect an unheated tank to go to. That means that some people might actually be able to keep a gourami unheated, depending on how warm they keep their home. It would never work at my house but that does not mean it would never be able to work. I would not think a 10 gallon was big enough for a gourami for the long term because they are rather large fish. It is one of the reasons that I don't keep them. I like small fish as my personal preference.

And by the way old man.. I've heard of 'Giant Gouramis', but supposedly the three spot (the one I own) just grows mostly to 5 inches or something around that, oh well...we seem to be completely the opposite on this matter, because I absolutely love big sized fish or medium sized, which I consider the Blue Gourami to be.
I'm glad to hear you will be getting a more appropriate sized tank for your fish ApolloJ. That will be good for all the fish involved.

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