Can fish get high?

Erm, interesting fact here.... surface agitation in your tank is to exchange gassess with the air in your room and the water in your tank. Some gasses leave the tank water, others are absorbed.

I'm not sure, but I think any smoke or super fine particles in the air such as the 2001 chemicals in a ciggy, will find their way into your tank water..... allbeit in very small quantaties.
I saw a tv program recently where they were talking about anasthetic gasses and they said they didnt really know how it worked, but it was the same in all animals. The woman said if you pumped it into a fish tank then all the fish would become unconscious. Does that count???
hey a few years back we dropped a bit of finely chopped chron in sort of accidentally but yeh they ate it and just floated on top of the water for a while. We thought they were all dead but a couple hours later they just kept swimming and theyre still around but we aint done it again for obvious reasons. No chance id ever have tried it with mine
twiztidgez said:
hey a few years back we dropped a bit of finely chopped chron in sort of accidentally but yeh they ate it and just floated on top of the water for a while. We thought they were all dead but a couple hours later they just kept swimming and theyre still around but we aint done it again for obvious reasons. No chance id ever have tried it with mine
:D may bee they could not handle it and went on a white one !!!!!!

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