Can fish get high?

Why? Your not thinking of dropping a bit of whizz or somrthing in the tank are you?

I would have thought you would overdose them.

Just think how many times smaller than you a neon is.

As for smoke, that dosen't hurt them. I sit in front of my tank everynight smoking and it doesn't bother them.
Fish are anatomically different than humans to such a degree I'm not sure it's possible to get them high on the same chemicals though I don't doubt there is a way to get them high.
I know that plants react to drugs such as caffine and whizz, so I suppose fish would too.

PLEASE DON'T try it though, you'll probbably kill your fish.
Strange question, but my ex boyfriend tried something like to that nature with his fish. He floated vodca and bear in the tank, and some bear was poured in the tank! Poor drunk fish, I would have thought that they would have died, but all are fine and alive. Of course these fish are used to hardships, they where moved in the back of a pickup in their tank with about 20% water in that 55 gal. in the rain, over bumpy roads, no cover over tank. And all survived. I'm not sure he actually put alcohol in the tank, but he swears he did. I just wouldn't try it. I have enough problems keeping my fish alive.

I have however moved female betas over the CA freeway that was extremly bumpy. They lived through it in a kritter keaper and lived for about 5 years. I later took them with me to SD in a hot motorhome, and I did't have a heater when it got cold at night, filter or anything for them. Just food and a critter keeper. So some fish are hardier then it would seem, but it all depends on rather you wish to take that chance. lol
why are you wanting them high or are you just trying to troll?
didnt see the above reply but it is crazy to even think they could and I think it would be very abusive and not very resposible if you did get them high.
LOl, I had a dream that mom had stuffed Platties and guppies and angel fish and tons more all in my 10 gal uncycled tank! ---- strange things this hobby does to us. Now, maybe in Finding Nemo, or some fish movie, they can get high. Maybe you should write for hollywood.
I had a dream where i was planting my fish in the ground so they'd have more room to swim round, because my tank was overstocked. It was horrible.
i suppose that drugs will have an effect on fish why not but it could be that a fish will get high on sugar like we get high on cocaine who know ichphologist (or how ever you spell it lol) :D :)
i was wondering the same thing. in another thread about stoners working in fish stores someone mentioned a friend getting their fish high. i asked how the hell it would work but never got a reply. i agree that it should never be done. my personal philosophy is dont get anyone, who didnt ask first, high.
i wouldn't be surprised if it did affect them really. i mean, they always say you shouldn't smoke in the same room as your tank or at least is the tank isn't covered, and not to use spray cleaners unless the lid is tight, etc., as these chemical can get into your water (think pollution). so i see no reason why the same wouldn't apply to the smoke in the air from the drugs. and if you dropped osmething in there, well, it would be like dumping in any sort of toxic chemical, seeing as how thats what drugs are really. and considering their size, that would be a pretty big dose for them. animals and people can get a high off second hand smoke (the illegal kind here), don't see why your fish would be much different really.............................

interesting the things people will disuss......gettting fish high......... :lol:

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