Strange question, but my ex boyfriend tried something like to that nature with his fish. He floated vodca and bear in the tank, and some bear was poured in the tank! Poor drunk fish, I would have thought that they would have died, but all are fine and alive. Of course these fish are used to hardships, they where moved in the back of a pickup in their tank with about 20% water in that 55 gal. in the rain, over bumpy roads, no cover over tank. And all survived. I'm not sure he actually put alcohol in the tank, but he swears he did. I just wouldn't try it. I have enough problems keeping my fish alive.
I have however moved female betas over the CA freeway that was extremly bumpy. They lived through it in a kritter keaper and lived for about 5 years. I later took them with me to SD in a hot motorhome, and I did't have a heater when it got cold at night, filter or anything for them. Just food and a critter keeper. So some fish are hardier then it would seem, but it all depends on rather you wish to take that chance. lol